I think that I have finally identified a group of people whom I fear without reservation.

The people who prevent the Prep Ceiling from breaking can put almost anyone in jail forever and make it seem legitimate.  

Rose McGowan isn't the one who slept with a 17-year-old and then lied about it.


While I'm not trying to hurt anyone or hurt anyone's career, I'm not all that enthused about the idea of Asia Argento being rehired by X-Factor.  She's a talented woman; I'm sure she can be hired somewhere else, and since she paid her debt to society when she paid her also-dishonest accuser a quarter of a million dollars, she should.  

Too many people on the dole in this world anyway; I'm against unemployment for the most part.  

It's not nice to attack people when they have apologized.  I know it can be difficult not to; there are people whom I know I can't forgive, because they have given me every reason to loathe them, but also because it is mind-boggling to me how many people there are who know that I'm telling the truth and who allow the days and years to pass without stopping the abuse of me and EVERYONE AROUND ME.  

I think we have hit the Prep Ceiling.

It's a lot like the Celebrity Ceiling; all of those people suddenly saying that they hope that the Me Too movement helps women who work in factories, fields and restaurants, while they know and do nothing about the fact that I and thousands of people in Massachusetts continue to be criminally victimized by voyeurism every day, the way that they knew and did nothing about all of the people in the entertainment industry who were sexually harassed and assaulted.  

Elite schools wouldn't be called elite if more people went to them than didn't.  Considering the world's population, the collective group that graduates from elite schools isn't large, but it is very, very powerful and everyone knows someone.  

I could be totally wrong about what Judge Kavanaugh's situation is going to trigger; it could be that the Prep Ceiling is about to clobber the Me Too movement.  That would work for the entertainment industry, the media, corporations, government, banks and other financial institutions in particular, and of course all of the high schools and colleges who shiver in fear at the mere thought of challenging alumni organizations or the Greek system.  

Is this the wrong time for a joke?  I'll say it anyway:  this is one time when nobody's blaming the Jews as a group.  Who knew that years of quotas could have a silver lining?  

"The problems and abuses of alcohol and drugs, sexual assault and misconduct, emotional and physical violence toward others are real," says Georgetown Prep.

Hmm.  Isn't Judge Kavanaugh saying that he never did those things?

His high school seems to be saying that every high school has the same problems, and that it is therefore unfair to blame Georgetown Prep.  

Here's a quote about Beach Week from the NBC News article that references the Georgetown Prep statement:

This is another quote from the NBC article:

A lot of phone calls were probably made all over the country and the world as soon as Dr. Ford's allegations were public knowledge.  Phone calls; not text messages or emails.  Nothing that could be produced in writing later.

Probably, whenever one of the ranks of these prestigious institutions climbs high enough to be a public name, there are people who can't sleep at night, either because they were victims or were victimizers or because they know about crimes that were never reported.  

This is the address of the NBC article:  

"Political effect" is not as effective as keeping someone from being confirmed.

That's a quote from this article:

Doing things at the last minute doesn't tend to work.  Respect and concern for Dr. Ford were the reasons that the allegations weren't mentioned sooner.  

It doesn't seem as if there were political pressure on her at all to agree to having her information brought into the context of his earlier questioning.  Nobody tried to use her to prevent his confirmation; when the media went after her, that was when the political people in whom she had confided made a decision about what to do.  

It's not a smear campaign.  It's not a tactic.  Dr. Ford had no motive.  If it were a conspiracy, the conspirators would have utilized her information months ago, to give as much time for her allegations to be heard as possible, and to give as much time as possible for other victims to speak out.  

Also, no matter when the allegations were spoken, they would have been denied, the victims would have been called crazy liars, and the Democrats would be accused of organizing a smear campaign.  

That's not what they're thinking.

Everyone who's being reasonable knows that a week isn't enough time and that the scope is also not acceptable. 

Additionally, the FBI investigation won't be the only investigation.  A lot of people are investigating, and other stories that are directly or tangentially relevant will be published.  If Judge Kavanaugh is a resident of the world's most influential bench when those stories emerge, in a month or a few months, a year or a few years, you might as well order him robes with a target on them.  

You're being very stubborn about all of this, Mr. President; stubborn, not prescient.  

Judge Kavanaugh is in a trap.

It's partially of his own devising, but it's being made worse by the people who aren't recognizing that he ought to withdraw.

The more vehemently his nomination is insisted upon, the more guilty he'll seem if he withdraws without being asking to withdraw.  

He could be asked to withdraw to reduce volatility and divisiveness.  

If he withdraws, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party can obtain agreement about another nominee.  

If he loses the vote, the Republican Party will be permanently scarred.

If he wins the vote, the Republican Party will be permanently scarred.

Politically, and in the short term, having the vote about him can be used by both political parties to continue vitriolic arguments.  That doesn't do much for the country.  

Dr. Ford's credibility, which was irreproachable during her testimony, isn't confined to the hours of her televised questioning.  That someone of her personal and professional stature gave the testimony that she did, without the slightest sarcasm, evasiveness, self-pity or self-aggrandizement and that she answered every question earnestly, that she has said not only that she will cooperate with additional investigations but that she also feels it is to her disadvantage and the disadvantage of the truth that there wasn't an FBI investigation before the hearing, and that, despite the fact that everything about her is the worst nightmare of a guilty client's defense attorney, the Republicans wanted to advance Judge Kavanaugh's cause the next day; all of this is to the ultimate detriment of the Republican Party's credibility.  

I'm a Democrat.  I don't have to say all of this.  

Other stories are about to be publicized because of this situation; she is the start of the next phase of the sexual assault survivors' movement.  

If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed, he will be a main issue of every election for years.  He will be part of every public discussion of misconduct.  The situation is unwinnable for everyone.  

The specifics of how Dr. Ford's confidentiality was eliminated are important in terms of how the media is operating these days; that ought to be the subject of another investigation.  The media has no concern for anyone's privacy and will do whatever it thinks it can to anyone.  However, her time in the witness chair has obliterated the issue of how she ended up there.  

I was all right with the prosecutor's questions; she didn't have a lot to work with to even try to discredit Dr. Ford, and to the prosecutor's credit, she wasn't rude or degrading, nor did she ever seem to be giving a campaign speech.  I thought she respected the demands of her profession and the parameters of the proceeding.  

What seems also to be clear is that there needs to be a standardized procedure which isn't deviated from for addressing these types of allegations, and that the steps of the procedure need to be published and known to the public.  Dr. Ford said several times that she didn't know whom to talk to about the information that she had; she went in the right direction, but eventually she had no control over her life being changed forever by what she had to say.  She didn't ask for this; she never asked for any of it.  

I know that the media hacks my phone and email and fears no consequences for it, to say the least.

Maybe the media hacks government phones and emails and does fear consequences.

However, are media sources hacking other media sources?  Is that how people who try to give confidential information to one media source are then known to other media sources?  

When do you think you'll stop exploiting humanitarian causes to sexually harass me, Mr. Affleck?


I was called "intimidating" and a liar and suspended for reporting being harassed at school; those were lies and I was telling the truth.

When you lose your job or it's so horrible to be there that you can't tolerate it or be productive at work, you have to pay your bills with something, unless you decide to kill yourself.  When you never stop thinking about killing yourself, that's a walking nervous breakdown.  



Those are quotes from this article:


These are quotes from another article:

How many women was Mr. Vinneccy dating before (or after?) he was married? What had he said to her and to his wife?  


Why is it that men who make death threats aren't called crazy liars or otherwise not credible?  Somehow, it doesn't negatively impact their professional or personal lives or their reputations.



I had trauma when I was younger that severely distorted my ability to have healthy relationships with men.  I never threatened a man for breaking up with me or for anything else, but I was also never gang-raped.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that everything that's being said about Ms. Swetnick's unstable behavior is true.  It probably isn't, but even if it is, that's not a reason for the FBI not to investigate her allegations about Judge Kavanaugh.  




Mr. Damon, perhaps you could help National Public Radio to tell the word "sniffling" from "sniffing."  That'll be good practice for when you're telling the world about all of the powerful people who have promoted the sexual harassment of women since 2010.  

The Obama administration miserably failed to stop the world's scourge of sexual violence and exploitation.

Everyone who knows what happened during the years immediately preceding President Trump's election, and who is also saying that those years advanced human rights, is LYING.  

You can't stop or prevent crime that's being normalized by mass communication.

These are pictures from today of the first part of the first page of Google results for "hidden cameras in bathrooms":

Sometimes, censorship is underrated.

These are pictures of the first page of Google results for "hot gang rape":