Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nobody has the right to hack my phone, hack my employers' phones, read my conversations with my employers, or take that illicitly obtained information and turn it into advertising.

Whether you think you're being supportive of me or of people who hire me or who fire me, please don't invade my privacy or their privacy.

JetBlue, Vitaminwater, The New England Patriots and Crown Royal Whiskey, please respect privacy and the law.

Everyone else who has either published this type of ad at bus stops, in train stations, on television, online or in print, or who is thinking about publishing this type of ad, please don't.  If I haven't objected to it, either I haven't seen it or it is too overwhelming and depressing for me to be reminded of my helpless exposure for me to talk about it every day.

Suicide shouldn't be my only option for not exposing other people to the privacy invasions that are inflicted on me.  I have the right to work.

Friday, August 30, 2019

It is unacceptable for Mr. Assad to remain in power.





It is unacceptable for these lives to be wasted, for a country to be torn to the ground, to serve the ego of a genocidal dictator.

Who's there for the cat?

I didn't watch this; I'm not trying to be unsympathetic, but all of the people who are being criminally victimized by hidden, illegal cameras every day have a reason to be crying, although they don't know it.

Even when he's not involved in criminal activity, Justin Bieber has a pattern of premeditating really awful things to say or do specifically to upset people.  Sometimes he feels guilty when he provokes the response he thought he wanted; frequently he doesn't feel guilty.

He doesn't ever seem to realize that, whether or not he feels guilty, this pattern is ABUSIVE.  Maybe he should read about emotional abuse, so that he can have a context for his actions.  

Also; why doesn't he just name the cat something else?  Maybe it's too late for him to think of other names for his clothing business, but the cat doesn't even know what a name is yet and he can call it something else without the cat needing counseling.  That's if he really wants to have another pet now; isn't there a celebrity pet orphanage? 

Ed Sheeran

Many of your songs have lyrics which I don't like; I ignore them when I listen to your music.  If your music weren't otherwise good, I wouldn't listen to it.

Don't hack my phone.  I don't want anyone to hack my phone.

You and the rest of them are so sickeningly entitled.  You really don't think that you're doing anything wrong, do you?

I could watch a news story about all of you going to jail and then listen to your music without a second thought.  You wouldn't be getting so much air time if you weren't part of your industry's corruption.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


It is sickening how many people know that I'm telling the truth about the voyeurism and involuntary pornography that are criminally victimizing people throughout the Boston area, while these crimes continue.

The voyeurism in the bathrooms of a homeless shelter in Vermont in 2011 has proliferated so that now places which provide services to vulnerable populations in Massachusetts are riddled with hidden, illegal cameras.   I have blogged about that for all of these years, and NOBODY HAS STOPPED IT, SO NOW IT'S PROLIFERATING IN GYM LOCKER ROOMS AND APARTMENT BUILDINGS.

Green Mountain Gringo

Your website isn't funny.

Your TV ad isn't funny.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Yes, I admit it, I am a PSYCHO.

That's right.  I now see the error of my ways.

It's THAT guy who deserves to be a paid writer, not me.  What was I thinking?

Maybe this is why the world's kids are freaked out.

Why did a newspaper publish this article in 2015 instead of telling the police about the author?




If you think that the author couldn't say anything worse than to reassure everyone that pedophiles channel their attraction to children into occupations which give them control over children and intimate, emotional access to them, you're wrong.

This is the next thing that he says:

Really, you're overreacting to the harmless pedophiles who have control over your children in school for years and the social workers to whom your children are referred if they're upset.  The real danger is from all of the people who aren't attracted to children but who are having sex with them anyway, and while we're talking about it, consent laws are irrational.  Plenty of men ogle young girls even with that law in place, so why not just get rid of it?


"People" magazine isn't about to tell the public that the public's privacy is being criminally violated by bored, wealthy voyeurs who also promote child molestation, no matter how many predatory pedophiles impersonate
Justin Bieber and other celebrities online.



I know that if I want good grades, I have to study.

When I have studied, then I don't worry about taking tests.

As far as anxiety and depression go, I feel better when I know that nobody can harass, stalk or rape me or have hidden, illegal cameras in my bathroom or my home and get away with it.  That's what helps me to sleep at night and not want to kill myself all day; otherwise I need prescriptions.

The Wall Street Journal article also says nothing about school shootings or the plethora of other terrifying things in the world outside of school.  Maybe the Wall Street Journal would rather not publish an article by mental health professionals who are willing to talk about those things, since it would imply a responsibility for older adults to change the world to make it safer.

Do you mean that GIRLS are "at particular risk for...unwanted sexual activity," so GIRLS "need to understand that self-restraint is one of the best ways to avoid derailing a college career?"

Quote 2019:


What did the school do about the rapist?

Quotes 2019:


Women and the art of the music video

Yesterday, I watched some music videos by Madonna, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears and Selena Gomez.  That list is in chronological order for the emergence of these performers.

I want to mention, before I write about these women, that quite obviously none of them cares that people are being criminally victimized every day by hidden, illegal cameras in bathrooms throughout the Boston area, as evidenced by all of them doing nothing about it, just like their male counterparts.

I watched the music videos, and some others by men, having remembered them as being visually interesting and thematically coherent, even when some of the content is not what I would have chosen.

Madonna was the clear winner of all of them in terms of concept, depth and artistry.  Every video of hers that I watched was different from the one before it.  Each was meticulously constructed, which she and those whom she worked with understood is what gives an artist the freedom to be expressive.  There was no such thing as showing up, shooting footage and hoping that some of it works out.  I'm not saying that the latter method never yields things which are appealing and even poignant, but it's less work and is less apt to be artistically successful and enduring.

What's prompting me to write this page is that, having had since yesterday to think about these videos, I am struck by the change from one generation of female performer to the next.  The videos that I watched yesterday suggested a progression from a time when female performing artists felt they had to fight for and defend their right to be creators rather than objects, vessels or muses, and that this fight was conflated for them with historically male ideas about gender and power.  Even while starring in their own videos and trying to forge their own paths, the earlier female artists show the conflict with an emphasis on their bodies that is self-conscious and defiant.  Although the youngest, Selena Gomez, confronts gender disparity in the video that I watched yesterday, she does so by expressing her feelings about it from her individual experience.  In 2014, that counted for something, finally, after all of the years of women feeling the burden of having to fight to have a place to be something other than the embodiment of a male idea.

For the most part, the videos that I watched yesterday were still confined to the realm of gender relations.  That sphere, although it continues to be both vital and problematic, is too small for female artists to be defined by today.  I know that all of the women whom I'm writing about at this page have confronted other issues; I'm not belittling or condescending to them.

I never consented even to have a nude picture taken of me.

Quotes 2013:




This obscene world

Quotes from 2018 article:



Saturday, August 24, 2019

Charlie Puth

You don't have to be obsequious.  Also, Phil Collins is talented.

It's not really all that funny.  I'm sure that I have now angered everyone who worked with you for that song and the video.  

You don't have a Scooter Braun to manipulate your image, or a team of people to think of how to market you and things about you and things associated with your "brand" as far as I know.  I think that's good; it's also riskier, which explains why you have made some cliched choices.  Anyone would be afraid.   

I think what you should do is to seek out the most talented, most creative, hardest-working, most professional people and try to work with them.  The effort that you put toward being successful in the first place should now be put toward researching who those people are and contacting them.  

Start making your own decisions now.  It doesn't get easier the longer that you put it off.  Make mistakes; you have to do that to develop your own judgment.  Over time, the things that take so much thought now will be like nothing.  Don't spend too much money while you're drafting your career.

Who's going to argue that large amounts of money aren't intoxicating, after all of the talented people who have ruined their lives and allowed their talent to atrophy?  Be glad that you have it; unlike most artists, you don't have to be poor and frustrated while you pursue creative achievement.

Justin Bieber

Is this how you're going to practice for being a parent, and add to your track record of animal abuse? You're going to buy another baby animal, innocent and dependent, which has no agenda and won't ask anything of you other than to be loved and to have its needs met, for which you will be everything that matters, and you're going to make that animal a dirty joke on Instagram, to spite a homeless woman whom you have bullied for 9 years?

Don't you have a music studio at your house that cost thousands of dollars? Are you spending time there, or are you sitting around, thinking of these disgusting, degrading, cruel things to do, knowing that there are more people writing songs that they hope you'll sing than you'll ever know about?

What about hacking my phone? Are you going to spend hours every day doing that for the next 10 years, for the rest of my life, looking for things that you think you can exploit to continue the conglomerate's farce of blaming its sickening abuse of me on me? You know that you won't starve or be homeless or even be less than rich if you never work another hour of your life, so why not spend your time bullying me?  Are you going to take lyrics from my phone, read my decades-old, private letters to other people again, for "inspiration," so you can rake in more millions of dollars and laugh in my face?

You think that I'm supposed to take everything that you say about me, don't you, everything that everyone who thinks like you says about me?  Here you are, making the same disgusting, chauvinist jokes that the conglomerate was screeching with laughter about when you were 16.  You're proud of that?

Mr. Perfect Pitch

You are LAF, first word LAZY.

Girls, car and fire? That's your idea of a music video?

You are set against taking dance lessons, aren't you? You'd rather stand there like a piece of wood than take my advice.

Also, you can't throw in a few, misogynist sentences that cast the blame on the fictional, cheating girlfriend of a fictional soldier and have that give this repetitive song artistic value.  You have done things like that in some of your other songs, and the result is always strained and sophomoric.

If you want life experiences that give you perspective about things past the entertainment industry's party scene, you can have them; you have the time and the money to volunteer in areas that interest you and to listen to what people whose lives aren't like yours have to say.

When you are born with a gift that most people don't have, you should recognize that the systems that were developed to train other people who have less talent didn't present you with the challenges that you needed.  Perhaps you are continuing a pattern that you picked up when you slept through all of your music classes, and it's already catching up with you, even though you don't know it and nobody who is making money off you knows it or would tell you.

Stop listening to your work with mediocre ears, and stop the disconnect between the audio and visual of what you're publishing.  That video is terrible; I don't know how it could be worse.  You need to train your eye; you don't seem to have a natural affinity for that at all.

Tom Daley

You're not hitting on me.

We'll pretend that's not what you're doing.  Denial has its uses.

All I'm saying is that eventually you'll have to depend on what's in your brain to guide you through life.  Everyone needs emotional support from other people, but that's not the same thing.

That could be what you haven't had for your sport, if you don't mind my saying so.  The ballast that nothing disrupts.

People who are already abusing me like to add to their abuse by trying to upset me and then laughing when they succeed.  Then they exploit my "emotional instability" to excuse ignoring my protests about the abuse.  It goes on and on.  Never, in this near-decade of psychological abuse, have I had a sip of an alcoholic beverage.  I wasn't a drinker before, and I'm not now.  No drugs, either, other than non-narcotic prescriptions to prevent me from having a nervous breakdown during the conglomerate's onslaught. My body now seems to have some side effects from them that might be permanent, unfortunately.  No smoking.  If I have a tendency toward food that isn't conducive to turning me into an elite athlete, it hasn't actually made me fat yet.

I'm not given credit for what I don't do in response to stress, despite all of the stereotypes about homeless people.  Nobody has to tell me which lines not to cross in the times of the most extreme stress.  I don't even need role models for those decisions.  That's what maturity is.

I know you don't have the bad habits that I have just mentioned.  Avoidance of them is not the only thing that I do to advance.  There are other decisions that I make every day for which I am also given no credit by my abusers.  They're just a bunch of hecklers who want to excuse themselves for all of the obstacles that they have put in my way.

Also, children aren't highly intelligent pets.  You now have the responsibility of being a good parent for the rest of your life.  That's not about winning medals.

Enjoy your day, PrettyYoungRichWhitePeople.

What? Isn't wearing a college sweatshirt as good as having a college degree?  

What can they teach you in college? All of those people who have those degrees; they're just snobs who think they're better than everyone else.  We're probably wasting all of that money that we give to lawyers and doctors.  

The next time one of us commits a crime (that the media tells the public about, obviously watching unwealthy people in the bathroom every day doesn't count or someone would have done something about it by now), we're not going to give our money to those lawyers.  We're going to represent ourselves in court, and we'll probably do a better job.  

Hmm.  Having lawyers is convenient.  The price people like us have to pay for convenience; we're the real victims, the world just doesn't understand.  

We won't fire the lawyers.  Next time one of us needs surgery, we'll take care of that at home.  Drape some sheets, watch some videos of operations, play some tunes to have a rhythm going for the saw; we can even sew up the stitches like little hearts and publish pictures of them. That'll show all those judgmental people who's smart.  

WE'RE not judgmental, obviously.  The way that Lena is treated isn't judgmental; it's just what she deserves for being so unhappy.  

My writing ability is worth money.

So far, I have chosen not to sell it.

Not that I'd be guaranteed to be paid what that ability is worth, even if I did sell it.

Who is to blame?

Canada? The United States? The entertainment industry? His manager? His parents? His spiritual advisors?

He's 25.  

He's also not worried.


There are no negative social cues that he feels that he has to heed.  He's not worried about my saying "You're an ignorant, disgusting pig" for the thousandth time.  That's what he wants me to say.  I'm a homeless, middle-aged woman, and he's a multimillionaire.   

In the near-decade that the conglomerate has degraded me, and degraded all women, with vagina names, has he noticed that even when I'm angry I don't stoop to this level about men? When have I called even one of the men who have casually degraded me during all of that time by a name referencing his genitals? 

Who does he think he's describing?

This woman?

This woman?

This woman?

This woman?

This woman?

This woman?

This woman?

Maybe he thinks that all of these people deserve to be degraded by him, also, because they're too "weak" to stop what's happening to them.

I know that the law means nothing to Justin Bieber; he breaks it all the time and doesn't even have to go to court.  He pays lawyers to help him evade all consequences.  However, I'll mention the law again, not that the law was a deterrent to the last President that the United States had or to the President which the United States has now.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

President Trump

I don't agree with you about everything, but I think I agree with you about this:

I am hearing in Boston that Fentanyl overdoses have almost replaced heroin overdoses in the past few years, and that it takes more doses of Narcan to save people from Fentanyl.  

Also, as far as helping all of the country's physically disabled people, these are some preliminary suggestions:

-strenghten laws that stop landlords from discriminating against and evicting disabled tenants and refusing to build or repair reasonable accommodations.  It's been shocking for me to hear what disabled people have told me about how they were made homeless.  

-fund more affordable housing that is accessible for the disabled.  I think that this a good investment; to help people be as independent as possible will also help them to need fewer services and will prevent additional injuries and illnesses.   

-do what can be done to make the country accessible to the physically disabled.  I have known people in wheelchairs who have applied for jobs and who were told that they couldn't be hired because of lack of accessibility.  

I knew nothing about issues for the physically disabled before this round of homelessness.  Homeless people with disabilities are the most powerless of the most powerless.  I think that our society assumes that nobody is cruel to disabled people in this century, but that has turned out not to be true, and perhaps the assumption is provoking the lapse.  

Thank you for taking steps.  I appreciate it.  It is awful to witness so many people suffering partially because they don't know how to articulate what's wrong, don't know whom to tell, have no faith that things can change, or don't even think that they deserve safer, happier lives.  

At least everyone's being productive.



It's nice to know that the U.S. and Russia are looking for ways to annihilate each other, while the G-7 summit is going to be about how the world's richest countries can increase their wealth and not about how to stop the last of the Syrian rebellion from being defeated by a genocidal dictator.

Horror movie

As miserable as my life has been during every decade of it, I was fortunate enough to have a few years in my late 20s when I could, and did, work hard at a job that I liked and have some fun with people around my age.

My experience of being in my late 20s was that I was smarter than I'd been when I was a teenager but no less healthy and about as beautiful.  I also knew enough to recognize that I was at the end of what can really be considered youth.  I decided not to waste those years, and I didn't.  I didn't try to recapture the past.  I didn't fear the future.

I did NOT live those years in terror of turning 30.

I did NOT live those years researching cosmetic surgery or other procedures or testing every anti-aging product on the market.

I did NOT live those years dieting, excessively exercising, or obsessing about marriage.  I would have liked to have had a boyfriend; not being able to have that relationship was painful, but I don't blame myself for it anymore.  Vermont was too small of a place for me to meet people whom I could have been happy dating for a long time.

It is sad and enraging for me that the conglomerate has ravaged the last near-decade of my life, and that it continues to ravage my last years of fertility by forcing me to live in poverty, isolation and humiliating degradation.

The one thing that I never seem to run out of is bad luck.  An exception to this is that I didn't grow up in or around the entertainment industry, and I have a totally different value system than people who do.  Nothing that the conglomerate, in all of its shades of misogyny, does to me or says about me, disrupts my goals for my life, although the conglomerate is doing everything that it can to prevent me from achieving those goals.  I want to be educated.  I want to be working.  I'd like to date, and maybe be married, and if I'm not going to be a mother I want that to be a decision that I have made and not a decision that is forced on me by the conglomerate's relentless, smug, self-absolving persecution.  Maybe nothing that I do will ever stop the wrong things that are inflicted on me, but nobody can make me think that those things aren't wrong.  

I will not date or marry an abuser.  I will not help the conglomerate to feel better about its horrific abuse of me by acquiescing to be the subject of its disgusting jokes about me.  I do not need the conglomerate's approval.  I do not need the conglomerate or anyone else to think or say or lie that I am as beautiful now as I was when the abuse began.  I'm not a character named Lena Kochman.  I have nothing to live up to other than fundamental standards of right and wrong, and I have nothing to prove, least of all to people who have irreparably harmed me, who have immensely enjoyed doing so, and who talk the talk all day while their victims do the walking.   


Not that I don't really dislike Taylor Swift, because I do, but this is offensive.


Which says something quite loudly. Swift’s antagonists have always been intimates, and the joy she’s taken in either loving them or eviscerating them has always been evident, and thrilling. But lashing out against the Kanye-Kardashian industrial complex was an awkward fit, and also bad business.

“Lover,” her reassuringly strong seventh album, is a palate cleanse, a recalibration and a reaffirmation of old strengths. It’s a transitional album designed to close one particularly bruised chapter and suggest ways to move forward — or in some cases, to return to how things once were. Once again, Swift’s concerns are largely interior: who to love, how to love, how to move on when love is gone.



I'll start by saying that I really want Taylor Swift and everyone else who hacks my phone and watches me in the bathroom to stop doing those things.  It is not at all thrilling for me; it is a nightmare.

The tone of the New York Times article is, perhaps inadvertently, condescending.  The message is for women not to fight back when people are horrible to them, that it's "awkward" and "bad business."  The message is also that it's "reassuring" to everyone when women's "concerns are largely interior:  who to love, how to love, how to move on when love is gone."

Not that I have anything against pastels, and there were certainly many things about some of her previous work to which I have objected, but her retreat to feminine stereotypes is as alarming to me as it is reassuring to the New York Times critic.

It's also misleading.  She is watching me and everyone else whom I have said is being criminally victimized by hidden, illegal cameras in bathrooms throughout the Boston area, and she is hacking my phone.

Amidst the professional and personal permutations of celebrities, the media, corporations, the government, and the rest of the world, year after year, what doesn't change is the abuse inflicted on me and everyone else who is impacted by that abuse. 

One of my other consistent messages to the entertainment industry since 2010 is, of course, not mentioned by this article:  Why don't these multimillionaires want the college educations that they'd have no difficulty paying for?

Internet reputation management is now a business.




Hopeless poverty and social isolation

Over the past week and a half, I've been in contact with an employment agency which was trying to help me get a full-time job.  The job was for 40 hours/week, paid $17 or $18 dollars to start as a temporary worker, with a pay increase if hired permanently, would have had health insurance, and would have allowed me to relinquish dependency on all welfare other than my Section 8 voucher.

Abruptly, the employment agency stopped responding to my emails.  Probably, someone at that agency did a Google search of my name.

2 degrees of Steve Harvey

I hope that President Trump will stop reTweeting celebrity Tweets.

President Trump at Twitter:

Roma Downey at Twitter:

Steve Harvey at Twitter:

So Steve Harvey doesn't like political correctness.  Does that mean that he won't be offended if I say that his version of living the American Dream appears to be him starring in a show that has white chicks in short dresses and high heels in the background while he tell jokes about impoverished, abused dogs? 

The hidden, illegal cameras are violating people of several races in the Boston area.  It's not as if I joined a whites-only gym.  As for the hidden, illegal cameras in changing areas, showers and bathrooms at the Pine Street Inn women's shelter, those cameras are sexually assaulting many black, homeless women every day, in addition to women of other races, elderly women, physically disabled women, mentally disabled women.