What is there to say?




Saturday, December 28, 2019

In the Boston Sports Clubs locker rooms 2017-2019

After my 2nd eviction in a row for protesting against having hidden, illegal cameras in my home, and 6 years of nonstop abuse by the conglomerate, I began to realize the futility of things such as wearing clothes or towels in the shower at the gym.  Everything that I had done in my last 2 apartments to protect my modesty, such as turning off the lights to shower or change clothes, had done nothing except make the conglomerate laugh and add "We're going to turn those lights on" to its list of taunts.

When I started showering at the gym in my 5th and then 6th year of homelessess as if there were no hidden, illegal cameras in the locker rooms, the conglomerate celebrated its victory.  The many other people being unwittingly, criminally victimized were of as little import to the conglomerate as they have been since this type of illegal, lewd, inexcusable surveillance-as-entertainment began in 2011.

I think that the typically self-serving interpretation that individuals made of my ceasing to devote more of my time and energy to protecting a modesty which the conglomerate has never acknowledged other than to ridicule and threaten it no matter what I do was to tell themselves not that I was capitulating unwillingly to the hateful reality imposed on me but that I was ceasing to "lie" about not liking it.

They wanted to think that I was letting them in.  It doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone that I was letting them go.  They have taken what they wanted from me for so many years that they finally made me realize that empathy and responsibility are not feelings in their emotional vocabulary and that I did not have to continue to think of them as individuals rather than as the vicious mob that they are.  My abject, implacable hatred of them as my core feeling about them even in the midst of my ongoing, abuse-imposed isolation seems to be surprising them.

These are people who think that they can do no wrong and who expect a forgiveness that they don't value, have never requested, and have done nothing to earn.

I don't know why they thought that my publishing the contact information for Crime Stoppers in Boston and asking that people who knew that I was telling the truth contact the police was another "lie" about hating to be filmed in the bathroom.  No matter how many times I published that information and asked for that help, nobody, not one person, tried to help, and those crimes have proliferated.

New Year's 2020 will be the start of another year of the wealthy and the powerful criminally victimizing everyone else.  There are so many people who know and who have known that I'm telling the truth that the additional burden of losing all faith in humanity has been added to everything else that I'm trying to cope with.  I can't say that it's a heavier burden than knowing that I have been visually, sexually assaulted by countless people and will continue to be visually, sexually assaulted by countless more every day for the rest of my life.  I can't say that it's a heavier burden than knowing that these visual, sexual assaults have incalculably raised my risk of being sexually assaulted in person, maybe even multiple times throughout my life; nobody has stopped the visual assaults, so why would physical assaults be stopped, either? I just won't be believed and they'll continue until I'm murdered.

Losing all faith in humanity while every last person who could help chooses not to and many people who could help have chosen to ignore everything other than their wish to think that this is all really fun, that there's nothing wrong with it and that I'm a lying, manipulative slut; I can't say it's a heavier burden than the crimes committed against me.  I don't know how to describe it.  Maybe it's like being poisoned and dying a slow death.  Maybe it's like freezing to death.  To be honest, it often feels like wanting to kill someone, and I don't know if I could be in the same room with any of the people who have done this without trying to hurt them.  It's even worse than wanting to kill someone, though; it's a feeling past revenge.  I think I have to call it absolute hopelessness, and a hatred that will never heal.

I try to be reasonable in the midst of all this.  I try not to relinquish the idea that my efforts toward a productive life aren't wasted.  I try to maintain the hope that all of humanity can't be this bad.  Sometimes I even hope that the group of people who have proven that they are this bad will do something else, and then I see how happy they are the way that they are and that faint hope dies again.

People who want to investigate this issue should start with these Boston Sports Club locations:

-Harrison Avenue, Boston (it's the location nearest to the Pine Street Inn, where there are also cameras in the women's locker room).

-Downtown Crossing, Boston

-The Prudential Center, Boston

-Central Square, Cambridge

The cameras aren't just in the showers.  They are in the changing areas, the toilet stalls, anywhere that someone following directions from the many videos online about "how to install hidden cameras" could put a camera.  The men's locker rooms should also be investigated; voyeurs don't care who their victims are, since their primary goal is power.

YouTube doesn't seem to be worried about all of the videos filmed of women by hidden cameras that people have already uploaded to YouTube.  Apparently, YouTube doesn't think these crimes violate its guidelines, and the people who posted them aren't worried that local, state or federal officers might start spending part of their workday looking online for the video evidence of these crimes or their perpetrators.

There are no bystanders to voyeurism; everyone who knows and who takes no action is culpable.  It's not physically dangerous to intervene, to try to help.

I never could have thought that an entire group of people in the 21st century, who have every material advantage and who are trusted and cared about by so many, could collectively decide to be so despicable and to portray cowardice and corruption as if they are courage and honor.


I can't believe how many people are talking about and attacking me for objects that they're seeing in my apartment from the hidden, illegal cameras and continuing to victim-blame me instead of telling Congress the truth.

These people think that they have the right to control what I do, wear, eat, and everything else.  They really think that.

The conglomerate's decade of abuse has eradicated all normal boundaries from my life.  I am treated as if I am responsible for appeasing the petty concerns of hundreds of voyeurs 24 hours a day, many of whom have interests that conflict with each other, none of whom take responsibility for their own behavior toward me or any of their other victims.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Paris Hilton is never going to be at risk of being raped by a stalker who has seen or heard about video of her.

It was never fair to compare our situations.

Nothing about any of this was ever fair, and that's not just because she consented to being filmed in the first place and I never did.

Speaking of sarcasm

G-d Bless Inherited Connections, Every One!

It must be nice to be someone who doesn't have abusers in possession of so many illegal pictures of her vagina that they could paste them all separately on ornaments and decorate all the Christmas trees on every continent.  

Ryan Phillippe

What was it like to be married to Reese Witherspoon?  I'm sure that she cared about you, but maybe not enough to balance her need to be first all the time and everywhere.

Is that why you hate and fear women now, not quite the way that the conglomerate has spent what will soon be a decade creating the conditions for me to hate and fear all men and a lot of women?

Although the 1999 movie "Cruel Intentions" was bad, this part was cute:


Life is all about trade-offs. Fortunately, you and your ex-wife can sleep happily at night, without hundreds of people watching you, knowing that the youthful innocence and charm which the entertainment industry took from you even as it marketed those qualities were replaced by genuine artistic maturity, personal and professional integrity.  My trade-off is that I am forced to eat the entertainment industry's feces every day while being free to be sarcastic about it.

I'll never date you.  I also don't sympathize with your emotional or intellectual problems or your grammatical difficulties; at this point, they are self-inflicted. 

Don't be disingenuous, Mr. Pattinson.

You and everyone like you wouldn't be so obsessed with degrading and victim-blaming me if you didn't suffer exponentially more every year from the utmost admiration for yourselves.  


Today, the Internet is tittering about your joke that if Batman as portrayed by you isn't successful, you'll salvage your finances if not your dignity by doing "arthouse porn."

This is one of the many articles about that:





Now we have the truth, inadvertently and chirpily delivered by the author of the article.  

Successful people don't choose to star in porn.  

Everything that everyone who has known about my being criminally victimized has seemed to believe for years that I will believe if they just keep saying it is a lie.  I am not cared about, I am not respected, I am not loved or even liked and I never was, and nothing that I did or said could have changed the M&E industry's hatred of me and intent to exploit me within and past an inch of my life as soon as anyone from that industry heard of me, read what I could write and saw what I looked like.  

Nobody who knows that I'm telling the truth intends to tell anyone who can or will do something about it.  I will simply continue to be portrayed as a "miserable failure," even more so because the villains are paid to make the public think that they are heroes.  

I'll never date you, Mr. Pattinson.  I am not sure why your transformation over the years from someone who could have been good to someone who jokes nonchalantly about being evil has been particularly painful when I have taken the time to observe it.  Maybe because most of the American celebrities, and Justin Bieber, were so brazenly ignorant to begin with that it has all seemed almost inevitable that they would be what they are.  

It's also too bad for me that you are bringing back the idea that my being viciously, brutally, visually sexually assaulted by what are now probably thousands of people is a form of art.  I remember the years when the conglomerate was perpetuating that idea; NFL players even wore pins saying "ART" on them.  I hoped that was over, at least.  

Too bad for me.  It's all too bad for me, isn't it?  Some people are winners and some people are losers, and you and everyone like you want to make sure that there's no confusion about who's who.  

Mr. Toy Story

Mr. Rogers.

Mr. "I'm Going To Save Democracy."

Are you going to say that you don't know anything about hidden, illegal cameras criminally victimizing innocent and unsuspecting people, first in Vermont and then in Massachusetts since 2011?

What about your 2016 movie, "Inferno?" Are you going to say that, in that movie, you didn't personally tell a joke about the shower voyeurism that has criminally victimized me and that you also didn't imply that female intelligence is synonymous with evil?

When did you start signing your Tweets "Hanx?"

At Google today for "Tom Hanks":

Your Twitter:

Everything's a movie for you, isn't it? Politics are part of your movie.  Other people's lives are part of your movie.  The criminal victimization of thousands of innocent, unsuspecting people is something that you think can, should and will always be reinterpreted as part of a movie in which you and everyone else who knows about it nonetheless are the good guys.  Deliberately misleading other prominent people so that you can use them is part of your movie; it's all part of the entertainment industry's movie, and you always win.  

Why didn't you call it "When We're All Lying Or Lied To?"  



Enjoy Greece.  You deserve it.

Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and and addresses of those places.

List of US Senators:


List of Representatives:


If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

What's happening to me is a crime.

It was a crime when hidden, illegal cameras were installed in the bathrooms of the Good Samaritan Haven homeless shelter in Vermont in 2011.

Everyone who lived at that shelter then was criminally victimized by those cameras.  Homeless men and women were victimized.

Anyone who knew what was going on could have contacted the local police or other authorities to have it stopped, but nobody did.

Instead, the conglomerate used the video to permanently silence me, to undermine everything that I say, to turn me into a disgusting joke for the rest of my life, and as a pretext to repeatedly victimize me until, almost 9 years later, I am treated as if being illegally filmed in the bathroom and everywhere that I try to live is normal.

The conglomerate has done this with every appearance of vicious, self-righteous, remorseless self-satisfaction, and I don't think that anyone who knows that I'm telling the truth intends to corroborate it, no matter how many people are hurt every day while these crimes continue and proliferate.  

In addition to all of the places where voyeurism and involuntary pornography have proliferated in the Boston area since Vermont's lack of resources for homeless people necessitated my moving to Massachusetts in the summer of 2011, has anyone investigated the Good Samaritan Haven shelter?  Have hidden, illegal cameras criminally victimized everyone who has had to live there since 2011? 

This isn't writing.

It's rage.

I don't need to buy a ticket to know that the movie "The Gentlemen" is full of disgusting jokes about me, do I? 



It seems to me that the press is silent when it feels like being silent, and that its refusal to discuss the extent to which the privacy of regular people is increasingly and routinely invaded is not an accident.

If the press doesn't have to respect anyone's privacy, then it can turn anything into news without suing for access to protected records and without fear of repercussion except for its victims.







I don't want to forget to call Ms. Witherspoon a lying, greedy, hypercompetitive, backstabbing, victim-blaming, fake feminist again before the end of this year.  

Nobody has "changed Hollywood."  Hollywood is exactly the same, only more elitist, hypocritical, smug and full of itself than ever. 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

I am at capacity.

I can't write anymore right now.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

I don't feel safe hunting deer without an assault weapon, do you?








Monday, December 23, 2019

The leader of every free country should be ashamed.

Presumably, the leaders of countries that aren't free are incapable of shame.

Russia does that a lot.


I disagree.

I remember that awful day when Senator Collins sold out sexual assault victims all over the country and around the world.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Suggestions for reducing evictions of tenants in subsidized housing

1)  Don't allow landlords to file eviction cases against subsidized tenants without first attending mediation.

2)  Implement an automatic outreach to subsidized tenants who receive eviction notices.

3) Withold the subsidized rent portion from landlords who file eviction cases until the cases are resolved.  Only make the retroactive payments if the landlords win.  As things are now, landlords know that they will continue to be guaranteed the majority of the rent each month no matter how they treat subsidized tenants.

4)  Hold subsidized tenants responsible for continuing to pay their rent portion each month.

5)  Address housing discrimination against subsidized tenants.  Make sure that landlords and tenants know that landlords have to treat their subsidized tenants with the same courtesy and consideration that they use for their nonsubsidized tenants.  Nobody asks to be impoverished.  As far as taking money from the government is concerned, the landlords are doing that when they're paid the subsidies, so there really is no reason for the pervasive, negative attitudes and behaviors from landlords toward their subsidized tenants.

Charlie Puth

You're not thinking of apologizing, are you?

You think that sexual harassment is the appropriate method by which to interact, cope with rejection and respond to criticism, as long as you know that your target can't stop you.

Thank you for providing yet another demonstration of why I have never dated a celebrity.  I didn't need it, but your crowd is nothing if not robotically consistent.

What did you think my reaction would be to that DISGUSTING Menorah song?  You couldn't possibly have thought that I would think it was funny.  You had to have known that I would be upset, and you and the rest of the people who did it have been mirthfully anticipating how upset I would be, because for some reason you don't think I have been through enough and you also feel that the holidays are the right time of year to do more things to bully someone who has already been bullied by hundreds of people, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for almost a decade.

Has it ever occurred to you that I don't sexually harass you?  Like everyone else who is part of that gang of hundreds of people, you sexually harass me EVERY DAY as if it's normal, and you have for years.

You're a smug, horrible, vicious spoiled brat, and so is everyone like you, treating your victims as if they're part of a subspecies.  You would never choose to live the way that you're making other people live, but you have no empathy for them or concern for their rights.

You also don't seem to understand that I'm not flirting with you.  I think you're a pathetic jerk who is more loathsome every day.

You are particularly sadistic, and you should seek help for it.  I have told you that before, which is why you wrote the song "Attention," if I'm not mistaken.  You were offended when I said you had sociopathic tendencies.  Isn't that what you meant by accusing me of saying terrible things about you?  Can you honestly say that you don't spend time plotting how to cause pain to others?

Haven't you enjoyed my helplessness, observing me asking month after month and year after year for corroboration that would cost nothing from everyone who refuses to give it? Do you not like the feeling of control over other people that you have from participating in voyeurism, with more unsuspecting victims all the time?

You had already spent years trying to manipulate women, hadn't you?  That probably worked better on nonfamous fans who didn't know each other than it has on famous women, but you are too narcissistic to stop before you make a fool out of yourself.

That's you hitting on Jennifer Aniston and then on Reese Witherspoon in the next Tweet, isn't it? Do you think they're not going to notice that's what you're doing?  They work together and have also followed your interactions with me for 4 months.

Why don't you Google "sociopathic traits" and think about whether the profile describes you, particularly for traits such as sadism, no empathy, shallow attachments and pathological lying?

It's not your fault that you have these problems; it's not really anyone's fault.  Sometimes people just end up like this, and the entertainment industry has brought out the worst in you.  It will be your fault if you don't try to develop some insight about your thought process, your motivations and how you make decisions.  You should do that before you self-destruct.  I would say "before you hurt other people," but hurting other people for your own amusement is already a way of life for you, the way it is for everyone in your business.

Senator Paul

I have a grievance.




Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of US Senators:


List of Representatives:


If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Senator Warren

You're the best Democratic candidate.

However, you are not being a leader about the issues of voyeurism and involuntary pornography.  The Democrats' denial about these issues is allowing thousands of Americans to be criminally victimized without their knowledge and thousands more to live in terrorized, emotional and social agony and in financial peril.

These issues have been destroying people's lives for years.  You have to do something.

Victims don't want to talk about it because they don't want to draw more attention to the images of them circulating online, which can and do make them targets of online harassment and in-person stalking.  The laws aren't strong enough to protect them and most police stations are useless for these situations.

These issues are where other issues of sexual abuse were 50 years ago.  The victims are blamed and defenseless.  The police don't even recognize these crimes as crimes, let alone investigate them.  The perpetrators are not apprehended and have no consequences.  It's a living hell, for the rest of a victim's life, and you have to do something now.

The apology that all of my abusers have been waiting for

I can't take credit for this card or the caption, only my interpretation of it.

Now that you mention it, I realize that I have spent almost a couple of decades at that age, but that's not what the guys look like.  

No, I shouldn't have said that.

Yes, I really enjoyed it.  

Saturday Night Live should have been canceled years ago.




The voiceover for the music at the beginning says "Ho Ho Yay." I am sure they're not referring to Jennifer Lopez or any other lying, abuse-enabling sellout.  

Saturday Night Live is watching me in my apartment, isn't it? That's why there was the joke about burned toast; I don't have a toaster, and I burned some toast in the oven a few weeks ago.

How many NBC writers are using constantly, illegally filmed footage from my apartment for material? 

Are all the networks doing that?

What about all of the other hidden, illegal cameras in the Boston area? Are those also being used by networks for material for their shows? 

How many Boston-area residents, far more beautiful than I am, are being stalked online or even in person by people from the M&E Industry who have seen video of them illegally filmed in gym locker rooms? College women.  High school girls.  Maybe also male victims of these crimes.  

That industry self-righteously hurting me has been the excuse for a lot of things since 2010.  When is it all going to stop? How grotesque does it have to be?  

I'm glad that I've been trying to swear less in public.  I could have just characterized Ms. Lopez by joining "lying" to any number of impolite verbs.  That might have been more immediately satisfying, but not nearly so descriptive.  

She's also a disgusting and outrageous hypocrite, like so many people of that industry.

From Google: