Friday, January 31, 2020

I'm still missing something.

Why is Mr. Assad winning?



You know, I'm really neither lying nor delusional.

I realize that you don't want to believe that you  and almost every other politician in the country have ignored and minimized the years that I have blogged about hidden, illegal cameras criminally victimizing people throughout the Boston area.  However, if you had taken it seriously all those years ago, or even a few months ago, it wouldn't have gotten worse and worse.

This issue isn't going away.  I don't fault Senator Warren any more than any other candidate who has neglected this issue, and I still think she'd be a good President, but you are all in denial.  While you remain in denial, people are being criminally violated every day.

I know that the entire Squad banded together to demonize and ridicule me for the 1st three years of the current White House administration.  I don't apologize and I won't apologize.  You don't tell me what to think.  You and the Democratic Party as a group are the ones who have failed all of your stated principles of caring about women's rights and regular people, not me.  All I did was deal with reality.  President Trump has never had reason to think that I was supporting the Republican Party's platform; I have always emphatically said that I am a Democrat, despite how miserably I have been treated.  

Your support of Kobe Bryant was appalling.  Every prominent person and organization extolling his virtues are being appalling. He put a ball through a hoop.  That didn't entitle him to forcibly rape a teenager and get away with it, which he absolutely did.

The support which some women of color are giving to his memory is having the very unfortunate effect of tilting people who are not women or not of color toward absolving him.  I don't recall you Tweeting now or in the past about the black community's silence about sexual abuse, the fear and the misguided sense of guilt which victims of color feel about reporting black men to the police and risking the reinforcement of stereotypes.  Why am I having to introduce that issue at this time, a white woman with 6 years of urban homelessness to my name, whom you would rather despise?

Why? Because I have heard the stories, I have seen the bloodied faces, I have slept in bunk beds inches away from women who can't sleep through the night without waking up screaming, I have seen the mental illness, I have seen the drug addiction, I have seen the missing teeth, the battered bodies and the hopelessness, and I know that abuse respects no race.  From what I hear of homeless men's lives, abuse doesn't respect gender, either.  The exploitation of Me Too to make women who were already wealthy and powerful in the entertainment industry even more wealthy and powerful and, incredibly, even more invested in blaming their own victims of voyeurism, has excluded male survivors from the conversation at every level from local to international.  

The homeless shelters don't do anything to provide support to survivors of sexual abuse.  I know you don't want to hear that, either.  It's probably the same all over the country.  Why are people who don't have my experience of living in homeless shelters doing everything they can not to believe what I'm saying about that?   It's not that shelters can't be structured to provide that support; they just don't care enough.  They do not, and every word they say about how much they're doing to support homeless people is a pathological lie.  Homeless shelters are pits of despair.  

As for how race and politics have affected my individual situation, I don't like to talk about it but I will because I have about had it with what seem to be assumptions about me.  When Governor Baker was elected, some of the s--- in Massachusetts eased up on me.  It didn't go away, but it eased up a little bit.  I'm not going to hypothesize about why that is. 




I thought you said you wrote this song because a friend of yours was killed:


You can't stop lying, can you, and you're going to continue to gravitate toward anything and everything that makes you feel like what you have done and what you know about aren't wrong, and that there's nothing wrong with your culture of silence that perpetuates crime against innocent, unsuspecting people.

If I had married Mark Zuckerberg

Maybe Facebook would have been called SomethingElseBook from then on.

I don't think that he would have married me, even if I had met him or dated him.  It's very clear after all of these years what everyone who has known about the voyeurism and avoided all responsibility for stopping it really feels about me and the other victims.

At least I have saved myself that final humiliation; I'm not as gullible as they all want to think.

Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of US Senators:

List of Representatives:

If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

President Trump, I am an American citizen.

I was born and raised in the United States.  I am not committing crimes or inciting violence.  I am not conspiring to harm others.  

There is not and never was a reason for me to be subjected to the illegal, warrentless, intrusive, degrading surveillance that has devastated my life for a decade.  It is all gratuitous, and the participants in these crimes don't even pretend that their amusement isn't their motivation.  

The bargain that I made not to directly confront you about your knowledge of these crimes, hoping that you would realize that it's your moral and legal obligation to have them stopped, has not worked out.  Syria is falling to Mr. Assad.  You seem adamant about denying that I could have good ideas about anything, even when my amateur status allows me to talk about things in ways which professionals can't.  

I have the right to free speech.  You can't deny that.  

If you don't like what I say, you don't have to listen, but you shouldn't threaten me.  

Gosh, that sounds like it would be bad.

Why can't you meet with Minister Zarif and talk with him?

Am I totally wrong?  My impression is that his appointment was a sign of interest from the Iranian government for talking to people whose first language is English.  

Could you all stop missing the point?

The voyeurism to which I and a lot of other people have been subjected for years is a CRIME.

Also, the scale of this crime is a HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE.

I feel the way that anyone would feel about being violated, but my feelings about it aren't the issue, regardless of how many years everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth has spent trying to make this about feelings instead of the fact that a crime has repeatedly been encouraged and committed.

It's not something that is outside of the control of the people who know about it to have it stopped.  It is outside of my control, because I have published pages about it for years and nobody has investigated.  I told the police when it happened to me in my last apartment; they didn't help me.  I sent anonymous text messages to Crime Stoppers Boston Police when I realized it was happening again in gym locker rooms; they did nothing.  Then I published pages with the contact information for Crime Stoppers, asking that someone corroborate it to them, and apparently nobody did.  

How many more times does everyone who knows that the cameras are real and not my delusion have to be told that voyeurism is a crime?   You already know that, so what is wrong with your consciences? 

This quote is attributed online to Leonardo DiCaprio:

Whether or not he said it, the quote sums up celebrity, as far as I can tell.  They have the money to avoid thinking about the glaringly obvious, and the M&E industry writes every story according to what makes the most money for that industry.  They all consider truth to be negotiable.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

I am now on vacation from serious discussion.

This will save the taxpayers money, because I won't have to use government-funded health insurance to pay the cost of what would otherwise be my imminent, stress-induced nervous breakdown.

President Trump should just resign.


From Google:


President Trump, do you think that I'm trying to argue with you about your authority? I have no problem with this:

Would you talk to him, please?  How many times have I said that I don't want to be in the middle? 

Tell Congress the truth.

Why else would I ask day after day that someone who knows that I'm telling the truth corroborate it to authorities who can do something about it?

There are hidden, illegal cameras in bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and homes throughout the Boston area.  You know that's the truth.  Please corroborate it.

Why don't you start by trying to DM Senator Warren and Representative Pressley, since these crimes have been happening in their state for years? If they can't be DM'd, let me know somehow and I will try to figure out what to do next.

If you are able to DM them, but they ignore you, then we'll know that Senator Warren does not have the character to be a good President.

These crimes CAN'T CONTINUE.  What if they were happening to you or to someone whom you actually cared about?

Hopefully, Representative Pressley is over her craziness by now, and she and Senator Warren are ready to take responsibility for investigating what I have said for years is happening in the capital of Massachusetts, at locations that are within walking distance of the Massachusetts State House.

They have all chosen not to believe me.  I don't know if you realize that.  They all would rather believe that I am paranoid and that I'm imagining the cameras.  While you and everyone else who know that the cameras are there have decided to believe that I like or deserve this degradation, all of these politicians have decided to believe that it's not happening.  Everyone has decided to believe what is less painful for him or her to believe, and in the absence of corroborating witnesses, there's nothing I can do.

The crimes of voyeurism against large groups of unsuspecting American citizens began during the Obama administration and were encouraged and treated like a joke by the conglomerate.  There is no Presidential candidate who is not guilty of negligence, at the very least, about this issue.

Without a doubt, Kobe Bryant knew what was going on, because all the stars in every media-dependent industry know.  Do you think that he would have let this happen to his daughters or his wife? Of course not, so why do you or anyone else think there's nothing wrong with it happening to other people?

When am I going to be let out of my prison? How many more years do I have to live like a caged, desperate animal?

Are you going to edit the voyeurism jokes?


I don't know how you'd do that without eliminating the ad.  


I know that this Tweet of Ms. Teigen's isn't about me, but it does describe how I have felt about the conglomerate every day since it began in 2010:

Suddenly I'm getting a message on my phone screen saying that Blogger can't publish pictures from my phone.  

I was trying to publish a picture of a Tweet from Ms. Teigen that said "I cannot believe this is real.  My god.  Oh my god."  

There.  That's better.

Wanna see some big money?

That's a picture of my bank account.  The number in green is the deposit of my 2-week paycheck.  The other number is how much money I had after that deposit.  

You're right, Ms. Sarandon, Senator Sanders is consistent.

He turned me and the crimes for which I've been repeatedly targeted into a joke in 2016, too.

Plenty of working people, homeless people and psychiatric patients have been criminally victimized by voyeurism in the decade during which these crimes have been promoted by the world's most powerful people and insistutions.

Those groups of people aren't antonyms, by the way.    


From Google:

Congratulations on being a working actress.  

When the most powerful role models are always men, what's the message?

How are women supposed to interpret and direct their lives?

Also, women who are trained to think like male predators will be female predators.

Kobe Bryant's victim is given no credit for his positive changes.

He told her not to tell anyone; what if she hadn't?  Do you think he would have felt motivated to support women's basketball or his daughters?

Also, how positive was he?

From Google:











So THAT's why the Washington Post suspended Felicia Sonmez for Tweeting about Kobe Bryant's sexual assault case.

From Google:






The media and sexual assault


