Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Can you be more specific, in case you're trying to do the right thing, and also knowing that I'm never going to date you no matter what you do?
The Tweet that you published several months ago, that said "Yeah, it's real." You meant that the voyeurism is real, didn't you?
It would help if you would corroborate it directly. Nobody could ever deserve to be the victim of these crimes.
$700 for worse than nothing
When I moved to my current apartment at the end of August 2019, I didn't cancel the membership at the gym that I have had since September 2017. I needed that membership while I was homeless, first to have a locker because there's always a waiting list for lockers at homeless shelters, and also to have somewhere to shower and change clothes to go to work. As I have said before, the Pine Street Inn women's shelter only allows guests to shower for 10 minutes, and only in the evening after waiting in line.
The conglomerate had no remorse at all about the illegal filming of me and everyone else in the locker rooms, showers and bathrooms of several of that gym's locations. We're all just entertainment as far as everyone who participated in that crime is concerned.
It's the second brand of gym where I and everyone around me have been victimized by these crimes. It seems to happen everywhere that I try to live a normal life. I couldn't afford to lose the gym's resources, so I didn't try to talk to anyone who worked there about the voyeurism. However, I did send anonymous text messages to Crime Stoppers at the Boston Police Department several times, reporting the voyeurism. The police did nothing. I also published blog page after blog page with the information for Crime Stoppers, asking that people who knew that I was telling the truth corroborate it to Crime Stoppers, and it doesn't seem as if anyone did.
I haven't continued to use that gym, but I haven't cancelled the membership. I haven't known what to do, if I should try to talk to someone who works there about it now that having a membership isn't so crucial to my ability to maintain cleanliness and to work. It is painful to try to talk to people about this issue and not to be believed.
So, on the first of every month, I have been charged almost $100 for a service that I don't use, administered by a business which knowingly or unknowingly has allowed hundreds, if not thousands, of people who also pay for their memberships to be criminally victimized for years while the conglomerate laughs at all of my requests for corroboration and the people who run the country make excuses in one way or another about why they think there's nothing to investigate.
A shocked hypothesis
I have now signed up for a couple of dating websites, one casual and one for relationships. I think I'm probably too chicken to take anyone up on offers at the casual website, but I noticed something and want to discuss it.
There seems to be a disproportionate percentage of single, black men at the casual website. Almost all of the views that my profile has received are from black men.
It has now made me question if black couples need more mainstream support to stay together. It also makes me think that being successfully established as a black man continues to be much more difficult than for a white man.
I didn't expect to be made sad for anyone other than myself by trying out online websites, but I was today.
Almost nobody under the age of 40 has contacted me, by the way. Younger men are not interested.
There seems to be a disproportionate percentage of single, black men at the casual website. Almost all of the views that my profile has received are from black men.
It has now made me question if black couples need more mainstream support to stay together. It also makes me think that being successfully established as a black man continues to be much more difficult than for a white man.
I didn't expect to be made sad for anyone other than myself by trying out online websites, but I was today.
Almost nobody under the age of 40 has contacted me, by the way. Younger men are not interested.
Praise, not consequences.
That's what he hears when a woman tells him to stop and he doesn't.
He can harass me, he can promote my being sexually abused, he can be as obnoxious and disgusting as he wants, and so can everyone else who knows that I'm telling the truth.
He is exactly what is to be expected from the decade of virulent, criminal misogyny that has formed his value system and his career.
He doesn't think that he's wrong. He thinks that I'm wrong. He really believes that I am a bad person and that the way that I'm treated is what I deserve.
I'll give my opinion to anyone who is elected.
However, I think it's better to elect people who haven't been credibly accused of sexual assault.
Ms. Reade was nicer than she needed to be by not talking about that incident while it seemed that Vice President Biden's campaign was going nowhere. She's not vindictive, and she couldn't have chosen a time to discuss it that presents a higher risk to her than now.
Ms. Reade was nicer than she needed to be by not talking about that incident while it seemed that Vice President Biden's campaign was going nowhere. She's not vindictive, and she couldn't have chosen a time to discuss it that presents a higher risk to her than now.
Monday, March 30, 2020
You're calling Tara Reade a liar?
If so, then most of the media is helping you do that, which I guess you knew it would.
That's the thing about sexual assault accusations. If the accused said that he or she is innocent, by default he or she is calling the accuser a liar.
John Mayer
I don't know why you think you're so different from the celebrities and other rich people whom you spend time ridiculing.
You spend a lot of your time ridiculing people who have never done anything to you. Either they're trying to be nice when you don't feel like being nice or they're worse than you about things that you do that you already know are wrong, or you just know that there won't be consequences.
It doesn't seem to me that you tend to have a motivation for messing with other people other than that you enjoy it. During a decade, you have not matured to be a nice guy.
You know that I'm telling the truth about the voyeurism that has criminally victimized thousands of people. You haven't corroborated it, have you? Not only haven't you corroborated it, you're still posting at Instagram to flaunt your enjoyment of my helplessness, even while you ridicule other celebrities who also haven't corroborated the truth but whose offer to participate in trying to support the public about the coronavirus you could have discreetly declined.
You spend a lot of your time ridiculing people who have never done anything to you. Either they're trying to be nice when you don't feel like being nice or they're worse than you about things that you do that you already know are wrong, or you just know that there won't be consequences.
It doesn't seem to me that you tend to have a motivation for messing with other people other than that you enjoy it. During a decade, you have not matured to be a nice guy.
You know that I'm telling the truth about the voyeurism that has criminally victimized thousands of people. You haven't corroborated it, have you? Not only haven't you corroborated it, you're still posting at Instagram to flaunt your enjoyment of my helplessness, even while you ridicule other celebrities who also haven't corroborated the truth but whose offer to participate in trying to support the public about the coronavirus you could have discreetly declined.
Every country needs to address this issue.
It's also a nightmare for kids at home, in foster care and in less-than-scrupulous facilities.
Every state in the United States should set up additional telephone hotlines and chat rooms for domestic violence and sexual abuse. Those already in operation have waiting times of hours now.
No, love is sanity.
Rich people who act crazy are insulated from the consequences of their actions in ways that people who aren't rich never are.
You are far more conventional than you seem to realize in your totally realistic if unconscious expectation that society will always be there to protect your rights no matter how much you infringe on the rights of others.
I'm sure that you don't play as hard and fast with your own money as you and the rest of the conglomerate do with the lives of people who can't fight back, if you'll pardon my saying so.
If I were as mean and ignorant as you, I'd be miserable and bored, too.
Why don't you read some books about feminism, so you can stop treating women as if they're objects for you to dominate and control or harass when your efforts to dominate and control them fail?
Books too much for you? What about reading some articles about feminism?
Here are some quotes about feminism from the Internet. If you want to have interesting relationships with interesting women, you should start thinking about these ideas.
I'm never going to date you. You are vicious and you are gross.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Grotesque entitlement
That's the only explanation I can think of for why such a large group of people feels no remorse or concern about the criminal victimization of the public.
As sad and horrifying as this explanation is, it is the only way that I can start to try to restore some of my faith in humanity. To believe that all people are this bad is to feel that there's no hope. What I think I need to start considering is how the excess of money and power combined with the dearth of personal responsibility and what was perhaps described years ago as a "cult of personality" have really made everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth think of these crimes against the public as part of a rich and famous lifestyle. Maybe they don't think their behavior is criminal; maybe they think it is risque, decadent, avant-garde or some similar pile of horseshit.
Celebrities aren't the only ones involved, as I have said before. I don't know how to incorporate the depressing facts of this situation into a belief system about human nature that isn't totally pessimistic.
As sad and horrifying as this explanation is, it is the only way that I can start to try to restore some of my faith in humanity. To believe that all people are this bad is to feel that there's no hope. What I think I need to start considering is how the excess of money and power combined with the dearth of personal responsibility and what was perhaps described years ago as a "cult of personality" have really made everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth think of these crimes against the public as part of a rich and famous lifestyle. Maybe they don't think their behavior is criminal; maybe they think it is risque, decadent, avant-garde or some similar pile of horseshit.
Celebrities aren't the only ones involved, as I have said before. I don't know how to incorporate the depressing facts of this situation into a belief system about human nature that isn't totally pessimistic.
How can people who have everything be so selfish?
How can they sit there and know the truth and not tell anyone? How can they not care that their negligence is letting people be hurt?
How can they sit there and know the truth and not tell anyone? How can they not care that their negligence is letting people be hurt?
Yeah, sorry to interrupt.
Is there a reason that you haven't corroborated the truth about the voyeurism?
Why don't you think you should?
Would you like to explain why you think the lack of corroboration for the voyeurism is funny?
I know that I have asked this before; where does it say in your church's literature that there's nothing wrong with allowing innocent, unsuspecting people to be hurt every day for years by hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, bathrooms and showers?
Like everyone else who knows that I'm telling the truth, every day you think of other things to do besides corroborate it so that these crimes can be stopped. Like everyone else who knows that I'm telling the truth, you seem not only happy not to tell the truth, you seem proud of it.
I HAVE done my part to stop these crimes, for years. I have done everything that I could do and you know, from having seen me get hurt from trying, that what I'm able to do isn't enough to make it stop, and yet you sit there and laugh day after day and year after year, while calling yourselves religious people and pretending to the world that you care about anyone other than yourselves.
You only help people when there's something in it for you. When it involves admitting that you're wrong, you'll do anything to make it seems like it's someone else's fault.
There is nobody else to ask for help with this issue except for the people who know that I'm telling the truth. In addition to watching me in my apartment, you also hack my phone, so you have seen how many times I have tried to get help from people in the Boston area and how nobody believes that the voyeurism is real, and you have no empathy at all for what it means to be poor and formerly homeless and to have people not believe it when I say "There are hidden, illegal cameras criminally victimizing me and other people."
I don't know why you think that there's nothing wrong with rich people victimizing poor people. I am sure that Jesus never said that's a good idea.
Having now had a few years to be acquainted with Justin Bieber, at a distance which is not enough of a distance, I can unequivocally say that I would NEVER date him, so I don't know why he's still acting as if that's a possibility.
I think you're both as fake and cruel as ever. I think you're ridiculous, and it hurts to know how you and everyone like you smile while you betray the public trust and accept accolades for your show of kindness.
These people can't stop lying.
Their definition of integrity doesn't include taking responsibility for anything that is inconvenient or embarrassing for them. If they can foist their misdeeds onto other people and make other people carry those burdens for them, they are more than happy to do so.
Did you call me a "ho" at the beginning of this?
This video at Instagram, most of which I didn't waste my time on, is comprised of 46 minutes of you doing something other than corroborating that the voyeurism is happening to people.
You know that I am telling the truth. You and everyone for whom your "ho" joke was intended to be funny know that I am telling the truth about these CRIMES.
What is it going to take for that smug grin to go away?
Since you obviously think that I'm at fault, why don't you explain why you think that you have no moral obligation to tell authorities what's going on?
Here, say this:
"Everything is Lena's fault because (why you think that). I and hundreds of other people have been watching illegally filmed video of people in showers, locker rooms and bathrooms for years because Lena (what you think I did that makes what you did not a crime). I am a good person and Lena is a bad person because (your rationale for that belief). I'm going to continue to act as if she's the one who's committing a crime because everyone I know is doing the same thing and nobody is stopping us no matter how many pages Lena publishes about it and no matter how many times she asks that people who know the truth corroborate it. I enjoy feeling superior to her and the other victims. That's what celebrity is all about."
You obviously really think that you haven't done anything wrong and that I am at fault. Why don't you have the courage of your convictions and publish a full explanation listing everything that contributes to your opinion about this situation? If you think you have nothing to be ashamed of, why don't you say everything that you're thinking in so many words? Explain how it's my fault. Explain why you have no responsibility. Explain in detail how "everyone knows" what a bad, slutty liar I am, how I don't have any actual feelings, how I'm always messing with people, and everything else that you think about me that you think means that these crimes aren't crimes.
What do you have to lose? Aren't you sure that you're right? If you're right, then your explanations will bring you sympathy and support and will prove to everyone that I'm in the wrong and that you're really a nice person that I tell lies about.
What do you think would make me a good person? Dating you? I disagree.
You don't like it when I'm honest. You never fail to take offense and to retaliate.
Isn't this profile picture at Instagram you offering to marry me?
Isn't this profile picture at Twitter you saying that you want to have sex with me?
Isn't every hateful thing that you say about me in response to my rejection of you? Do you think you don't deserve to be rejected?
How would you feel if you were treated the way that I am treated? How many times do you have to be asked that question?
I don't like bad people. You're a bad person. You're misogynist, ignorant, selfish and disgusting, and you are the liar.
This video at Instagram, most of which I didn't waste my time on, is comprised of 46 minutes of you doing something other than corroborating that the voyeurism is happening to people.
You know that I am telling the truth. You and everyone for whom your "ho" joke was intended to be funny know that I am telling the truth about these CRIMES.
What is it going to take for that smug grin to go away?
Since you obviously think that I'm at fault, why don't you explain why you think that you have no moral obligation to tell authorities what's going on?
Here, say this:
"Everything is Lena's fault because (why you think that). I and hundreds of other people have been watching illegally filmed video of people in showers, locker rooms and bathrooms for years because Lena (what you think I did that makes what you did not a crime). I am a good person and Lena is a bad person because (your rationale for that belief). I'm going to continue to act as if she's the one who's committing a crime because everyone I know is doing the same thing and nobody is stopping us no matter how many pages Lena publishes about it and no matter how many times she asks that people who know the truth corroborate it. I enjoy feeling superior to her and the other victims. That's what celebrity is all about."
You obviously really think that you haven't done anything wrong and that I am at fault. Why don't you have the courage of your convictions and publish a full explanation listing everything that contributes to your opinion about this situation? If you think you have nothing to be ashamed of, why don't you say everything that you're thinking in so many words? Explain how it's my fault. Explain why you have no responsibility. Explain in detail how "everyone knows" what a bad, slutty liar I am, how I don't have any actual feelings, how I'm always messing with people, and everything else that you think about me that you think means that these crimes aren't crimes.
What do you have to lose? Aren't you sure that you're right? If you're right, then your explanations will bring you sympathy and support and will prove to everyone that I'm in the wrong and that you're really a nice person that I tell lies about.
What do you think would make me a good person? Dating you? I disagree.
You don't like it when I'm honest. You never fail to take offense and to retaliate.
Isn't this profile picture at Instagram you offering to marry me?
Isn't this profile picture at Twitter you saying that you want to have sex with me?
Isn't every hateful thing that you say about me in response to my rejection of you? Do you think you don't deserve to be rejected?
How would you feel if you were treated the way that I am treated? How many times do you have to be asked that question?
I don't like bad people. You're a bad person. You're misogynist, ignorant, selfish and disgusting, and you are the liar.
Imagine telling the truth about the voyeurism.
Why haven't you done that? Why doesn't anyone who knows about this feel responsible for putting a stop to it?
I'm never going to understand. I do not understand.
Why haven't you done that? Why doesn't anyone who knows about this feel responsible for putting a stop to it?
I'm never going to understand. I do not understand.
Charlie Puth
I'm not going to marry you. In addition to being too young for me, you are disrespectful, dishonest, mean and awful.
You go out of your way to upset me and despite my many requests you have continued to enjoy being a voyeur rather than taking responsibility for telling people who can put a stop to it.
You are not attractive for those reasons. Maybe you've been brainwashed into thinking that intelligent women prefer men who mistreat them, and I'm telling you that men who mistreat women are disgusting.
You go out of your way to upset me and despite my many requests you have continued to enjoy being a voyeur rather than taking responsibility for telling people who can put a stop to it.
You are not attractive for those reasons. Maybe you've been brainwashed into thinking that intelligent women prefer men who mistreat them, and I'm telling you that men who mistreat women are disgusting.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
For the woman whose clitoris is on her face
Is that why make-up is so popular? All these years, I thought I was being smart and saving money by not wearing it.
Don't read this guide; it will make you dumber.
No self-respecting guide to this topic excludes the No Faggots explanation. I'm not sure why this one didn't include a list of faggoty behaviors such as "Experiencing discrimination at work, because everyone knows if they didn't like it they would just stop being faggots," to reassure the anxious.
Although women should know how to masturbate gracefully because it's a turn-on for men, vaginas are so gross that every woman should stay as far away as possible from her own vagina until such time as she is called upon to act out her guy's porn fantasy. Then she should run to the bathroom to wash or at least keep hand sanitizer next to the bed.
Never, under any circumstances, do anything that you might like more than intercourse.
Is there a copyright problem with this quote? Did "Sex For Dummies" plagiarize it from advertisements for vibrators?
What about growing hair on your hands? That's true, isn't it?
No self-respecting guide to this topic excludes the No Faggots explanation. I'm not sure why this one didn't include a list of faggoty behaviors such as "Experiencing discrimination at work, because everyone knows if they didn't like it they would just stop being faggots," to reassure the anxious.
Although women should know how to masturbate gracefully because it's a turn-on for men, vaginas are so gross that every woman should stay as far away as possible from her own vagina until such time as she is called upon to act out her guy's porn fantasy. Then she should run to the bathroom to wash or at least keep hand sanitizer next to the bed.
Never, under any circumstances, do anything that you might like more than intercourse.
Is there a copyright problem with this quote? Did "Sex For Dummies" plagiarize it from advertisements for vibrators?
How is this sociopath scoring more work?
Is it because Anheuser-Busch is hacking my phone and I've been filming discussions about why it's good not to drink alcohol?
Charlie Puth isn't a run-of-the-mill, narcissistic, self-centered, ignorant celebrity. He is actually somewhat less narcissistic than the average celebrity, at least about his looks although not about his talent, with which he is obsessed and because of which he has set himself above everyone else in the world.
What makes me think he's a sociopath?
-He tells an astonishing number of lies. He has a story for everything. He can't keep track of the contradictory things that he has said about everything he could think of to lie about during interviews, primarily about his relationships and the inspirations for his music, but he'll lie about anything. Maybe he even enjoys saying every last thing he can think of and the fact that nobody bothers to set his stories next to each other where the glaring discrepancies and fabrications are obvious. He doesn't seem to lie for a reason, not even for a nefarious reason, not to achieve a goal or avoid punishsment. He seems to lie for the sake of lying, because he likes manipulating and tricking people.
-He keeps a continual eye on power hierarchies, although he doesn't understand them past the most superficial level, can't predict their fluctuations and is so lacking in integrity that he takes them at face value without ever considering that hierarchies, like every other social system, are made of people who can and often do change their minds, their feelings and their decisions. If he thinks he can get away with something, he does it. If what seems to him like a sudden
fluctuation occurs that puts his behavior from one day into an unexpectedly bad light the next day, he grovels. If another fluctuation occurs which makes him think that he can revert to his previous behavior, it's back with a vengeance. Right and wrong are vague concepts in his thought process about exerting power and control over other people.
-He likes causing pain. He likes observing others' helplessness. His cruelties aren't just provoked by aggression or guided by peer pressure, although if the peer pressure were absent of cruelties his behavior would be absent of cruelties to the extent that absenting them would serve his social and professional interests.
As far as I know, the conventional wisdom about sociopaths is that they are incurable. I don't know that I believe that, considering the way that the mental health care system diagnosed me with at least 5 different disorders over the decades and did as much damage to me as it did good. However, this decade of moral implosion by the world's power structure has brought out the worst in people everywhere that it has had influence.
If racism or another form of bigotry were as socially accepted as misogyny, he would be openly, viciously bigoted in those ways. It's not personal. He would do this to anyone if he thought he could get away with it.
I really don't like Cate Blanchett anymore.
She is an example of an intelligent person whom the entertainment industry has turned into a much less intelligent person over time.
As for the conglomerate's constant and annoying use of the word "masterpiece," that's all part of the denial.
What has happened to me and the other victims of years of voyeurism is a crime.
She's paid to be the spokesperson for that perfume, isn't she? How much money has she made from that alone during the years that I've been victimized and homeless?
This is a good, balanced article by Newsweek.
The allegation is credible.
Time's Up's behavior was and continues to be deplorable.
Senator Sanders should be the nominee.
A decade of lies has had its inevitable result.
The allegation is credible.
Time's Up's behavior was and continues to be deplorable.
Senator Sanders should be the nominee.
A decade of lies has had its inevitable result.
Friday, March 27, 2020
What YEAR are we living in?
Is it 2020 or 1920 or 1890 or any previous century?
We haven't figured out from past plagues that you can't have people living like this?
Aren't we supposed to be the smart species?
We haven't figured out from past plagues that you can't have people living like this?
Aren't we supposed to be the smart species?
Like the sexual assault allegation from Tara Reade never happened
I read the allegation.
If events proceed as they seem to be planned, the United States will elect either a Republican pussy-grabber or a Democratic pussy-grabber this year.
I'm the only one who is ever in trouble for that type of thing, apparently, even though I have never done it to me without my consent.
Maybe Robert Pattinson will be Prime Minister someday, since his masturbation scene in "The Lighthouse" hasn't affected his career. Maybe not. Maybe there are stipulations that the grabbed genitals have to be female, they have to be someone else's, and it has to be done by force.
If there are such stipulations, maybe he can work around them on the grounds that he has known about the voyeurism perpetrated against the public for years.
Sarcasm aside, what are the messages?
-Donald Trump and Joe Biden are not only good men, they are exceptional men, leaders who should be running one of the world's most powerful countries, trusted to make decisions every day that impact millions of people, the fate of other nations and the course of history.
-While Robert Pattinson's acting decision has raised a few eyebrows, nothing bad at all has resulted for him and everyone who was talking about it stopped talking about it after a few weeks, so he's neither abnormal nor a bad person. He's going to be Batman, a comic book hero, when the coronavirus situation is resolved and filming resumes.
-I am a bad woman. I am abnormal. I am asking for it. I am a freak. I deserve to live without privacy. I deserve to be ridiculed day after day and year after year. I deserve to be the object of unwanted sexual attention no matter how many times I say that it's unwanted. The most I ever deserve is pity, but usually I'm being too much of a bitch about everything for that, and even when I'm not being a bitch nobody is going to apologize or do anything to restore respect for my rights or other people's rights.
-They are good. I am bad. They can do what they want. I have to do what other people want. Their bodies belong to them and other people's bodies belong to them. My body doesn't belong to me; it is up for grabs 24/7 for the rest of my life.
Those are the messages.
6,000 not 2,000
The conglomerate was going to make rape and child molestation legal.
The conglomerate also knows that I'm telling the truth about the voyeurism.
From Google:
From Google:
So "The Voyeur's Motel" was turned into a movie; the New Yorker article mentioned that it might be.
From "The Atlantic" article today:
The media, when it's not silent about the voyeurism that many media sources know is real, has continued to pursue the idea that everybody secretly wants to be a voyeur and that voyeurism is harmless, the way that it pursued the idea that everybody secretly wants to rape and to molest children before the shock and horror of the public confronted those media sources with reality in a way that the thousands of pages of protest that I had written since 2010 had failed to do.
I'm telling the truth. The New Yorker is one of the many media sources that knows it.