From Secretary Pompeo's Twitter:
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
I want to clarify.
From Representative Waters' Twitter:
Am I missing something? Did a long-time, multi-millionaire U.S. Congresswoman start a hashtag in 2017 calling a Jewish, Section 8 tenant who had already been homeless for a total of 4 years since 2011 and who was struggling to keep her housing while attending college and being psychologically battered a Soviet/Ku Klux Klan leader?
I was homeless again by the time that this Taylor Swift video was published, that year:
From Lady Gaga's Twitter:
From Amy Schumer's Twitter:
From Reese Witherspoon's Twitter:
This is a small percentage of the entertainment industry's vicious gang of hypocritical, entitled, selfish, lying bullies. Every one of the profiles for these celebrity Twitter accounts is promoting criminal privacy invasions and victim-blaming.
As for Taylor Swift, you'd have to ask why her video for "Look What You Made Me Do" was her answer to being embraced by American Neo-Nazis. Maybe she meant it as a joke. Some joke. It has had more than a billion views. Do you think that everyone who has seen it knows that it's a joke?
From Google for "Taylor Swift Neo-Nazis":
Why was it that Ms. Swift suddenly decided that she wanted to be involved in politics in 2018? I know that it's not because she cares about people; she's been part of the conglomerate since 2010. Was it because I was being attacked by the same M&E industry machine that has persecuted me since 2010 and criminally victimized the public since 2011 for treating President Trump as if he were a person and not a caricature? Was it because of the success that she and other hyperprivileged, famous, young white women had had in 2017 at co-opting a feminist movement that died a quick, painful death in weeks this year, for a Presidential candidate whom they're all supporting?
It's not that Representative Waters doesn't know who I am, after a decade and counting, is it? Despite the millions of people calling me Crazy Internet Lady and ridiculing me for saying that famous people know who I am, Representative Waters isn't calling me crazy, is she?
Maybe she wants to demonize me so that she doesn't have to take responsibility for stopping what she and everyone else who has been in politics has been aware of since 2010; vicious, gratuitous crime whose targets are some of the country's most vulnerable people, perpetrated for the amusement of some of the country's wealthiest people.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
President Trump
If you win, please don't gloat. I wish that, instead, you'd give the people who voted for you additional reasons to feel proud.
I might have been less scathing toward the Democratic Party today if I had thought that Vice President Biden weren't definitely going to win. You can take offense if you want; I know my strengths, and verbally humiliating people is a dubious strength of mine.
Jaime Harrison
When everyone who runs for office is like you -- smart, educated, principled, and willing to change what you're doing when you realize what's going on -- then America's evil times will end.
Thank you.
You've been given a gift tonight; you don't know it yet. If you have never offered your whole heart in the service of humanity and had it seized upon as every perversion in human nature attempts to twist you and everything that you do, then you would not have been prepared to win. You are unsullied. You are unsinged. Be glad.
Don't worry about the people who voted for you. Think about how you would have felt if you'd been constrained by your new colleagues to lie to them by omission while being paid to serve their best interests and carrying their trust with you to work every day.
Representative Tlaib
I agree with almost every provision of this bill. It makes me bonkers when people weasel out of responsibility by saying that they didn't mean to hurt anyone with some horrific thing that they did. Talk about a standard set by men, which many women also use to excuse their harmful impact.
I have some questions.
1. I think there has to be some qualified immunity for government employees. You can't ask police officers to put themselves in danger every day and make them choose between killing someone who really is threatening them and being killed rather than to risk losing their jobs and going to jail.
A lot of police officers are stupid; they know it and they resent it. They are asked to protect a world that they know very little about when they start their careers. That's a cruel thing that the system does to police officers, sends them out there to figure everything out on their own other than how to hurt people. Training people to be beasts is dehumanizing.
Also, crime and its factors are complex and infinitely variable. It has to be upsetting for police officers when they walk into situations that they're neither trained to deal with nor have the psychosocial flexibility to adapt to. They won't admit to being upset, because policing is traditionally macho, so they look for the simplest answers. Power is always the simplest answer.
Why don't you work on raising the requirements to be a police officer and creating a lot more oversight? A more humanistic education could help. Also, the prospect of years of explanatory paperwork, and facing strict inquiries, can do a lot to deter people from unnecessary violence and prompt them to work harder at the peaceful resolution of crises. There's also a lot of job satisfaction to be gained from knowing how to negotiate; I think that the result will be a much more effective police force.
The police cannot be abolished. You try spending a few nights outside with nothing other than your phone to protect you and then you can let me know what you think about that.
2. I agree that employers have to be responsible for their work environments. However, I think that there need to be gradations of responsibility; no supervisor can be everywhere at once and there is never a guarantee that an employee won't be a disaster or that a customer or other employees won't lie. Work can be boring and there's always someone to pick on.
My main concerns if Vice President Biden is elected are, so far:
1. The safety of Israel. You and a few others have toned it down as the election has approached; is the safety of Israel going to be an issue as of tomorrow morning?
2. Keeping the entertainment industry out of the White House and out of politics as much as possible. The extent to which that does not now seem possible is very depressing.
3. Confronting dictators and human rights abuses in foreign countries.
4. Confronting illness, starvation and economic disparity in foreign countries, so that less humanitarian aid is needed over time.
I am very poor, but I am not starving and have never been in danger of starving. Also, the pandemic has proven to a lot of people what I already know, which is that the current homeless support system is dysfunctional. That system has to be confronted; its abuses, negligence, waste of time and money and its dishonesty can't continue. I'm in favor of affordable housing, but only building more affordable housing won't permanently end homelessness. People always need transitional places to live.
What I didn't know before the pandemic is how much my having subsidized housing and a small but consistent subsidized income would make me a nonburden to all of the systems that were suddenly struggling to socially distance and support half a million homeless people. I was sick of not working months ago and have been looking for temporary work that I can do until the place where I was working re-opens. Guaranteed housing and a small amount of guaranteed money to get by did not disincentivize me to work or lead me to the path of drunkenness or other drug addiction. On the contrary, there is nothing more demoralizing than being homeless. Because I was already housed and haven't had to worry about not being able to pay my rent or my bills, I have been a financial, logistical and medical burden to absolutely nobody.
I don't know what the numbers are now for emergency spending on the homeless during the pandemic; what I know is that not a dollar of it had to be spent on me.
Before the pandemic, I never would have suggested that universally guaranteed housing and a universally guaranteed income were good ideas. Now I think that they are, and I think that implementing them immediately would be much less problematic than immediately implementing universal government health insurance. The pharmaceutical industry and its corruption of medical practice have to be confronted before universal health insurance can be passed, or they will bankrupt the government through the human beings that they use as vessels for their greed.
That's in addition to what I've been talking about every day for years. The privacy invasions being perpetrated against the innocent, unsuspecting public on a regular basis without warrants, authority or cause are setting the stage for totalitarianism. It's been very frustrating to try to explain that for years to people who hear or understand little to nothing of what I say, who think of political power as another flattering facet of celebrity which they can use against people whom they don't like, who pityingly or smugly assume that I'm just embarrassed, and who hasten to reassure me or taunt me at whim in their repulsive, manipulative, self-satisfied, CONDESCENDING ignorance.
The Democratic Party has used reproductive rights as a weapon against women for decades.
The Democratic Party knows that women will put up with literally anything not to have the right to abortion taken away. That's why it's the only women's right that the Democratic Party ever really defends.
Maybe the Democratic Party doesn't even defend it that much, hasn't tried to establish it as much as it could have. If the right is always under attack, then the Democratic Party can always use it for votes without ever equalizing the genders.
Pinned, Election-Day Tweet at Vice President Biden's Twitter:
It's been a lot tougher for the black women whom you forgot all about.
From Former First Lady Michelle Obama's Twitter:
From Google for "Michelle Obama Nigerian schoolgirls":
I already knew that neither you nor your husband really cared about women of color. You still don't; if you ever had, you would have put a stop to the criminal voyeurism as soon as it started in homeless shelter bathrooms in Vermont and then Massachusetts in 2011. You would not have allowed it to proliferate into the totalitarian threat that it is today.
No code, by the way. I used to write (no code), in parentheses, after every word to which the conglomerate had given a crime-promoting connotation.
My (no code) sentences (no code) used (no code) to (no code) look (no code) like (no code) this (no code).
Nothing stops a rabid mob from doing what it wants to do and telling every lie that it can think of about its targets until it feels so sure of winning that it blatantly gloats about the crimes that it has committed and those which it plans to continue to commit against anyone who criticizes it and also just for fun.
From Google for "Obamas Hollywood":
I thought that someone would help.
The eviction case accused me of harassing the property management with false accusations that there were hidden, illegal cameras in the apartment. I went to the police and to every agency that is supposed to prevent impoverished people from losing their housing.
In the end, there was nothing that I could do, so I resolved the retaliatory eviction case by signing an agreement to move out of the apartment. Then I was homeless for another two years, bringing my total years of homelessness in Masschusetts to 6 since 2011.
During those two years, I was again targeted for criminal voyeurism, and so was everyone who lived at the Pine Street Inn and everyone who was a member of Boston Sports Clubs, where I finally got a membership after months of being homeless with no locker had distended my knee from carrying around my backpack. I again published requests that people who knew about the criminal voyeurism and the Pine Street Inn anonymously tell CrimeStoppers at the Boston Police Department. Either nobody has done that in all of this time or the police department hasn't investigated or the results of the investigation are being suppressed to prevent lawsuits and negative publicity.
I am telling the truth.
Some requests for help at my previous blog, "Woods-Mullen Shelter Is A Crime Against Humanity":
I just noticed this.
From Representative Waters' Twitter:
Is that supposed to be about me?
And it's just a coincidence that you represent a California district?
When you pinned this Tweet, I was still publishing pages at my previous blog, asking that anyone from the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who knew that I was telling the truth about hidden, illegal cameras in my last apartment verify to authorities that the voyeurism was real, so that the landlord's retaliatory eviction case against me could be stopped. For months, I asked for that verification, publishing names and contact information. I was homeless again by the beginning of the summer of 2017.
Here's my discussion of my essay contrasting Marita Bonner and Arthur Miller. I wrote it while I was a Biotechnology student at Bunker Hill Community College.
I was given a B+ for this essay, even though I never read anything written by another student in the class that did not signal functional illiteracy, and even though the white, male professor said that he gave a "C" to anyone who turned in anything for this assignment.