Wednesday, July 18, 2018

I'm reading the transcript from the Helsinki press conference.

I just finished reading the remarks of President Putin and President Trump.

I'm not a weepy girl most of the time.  However, what's upsetting to me is that it seems to me that they really did have a productive meeting, their remarks after the meeting were candid and realistic, there was room for additional negotiation, discussion and resolution as a result of the meeting, and that everything that they achieved is already threatened and perhaps even ruined by the premeditated attacks on President Trump that have followed.

I'm not crying, mind you.  I had the beginning of tears in my eyes after reading what they said, that's all.  

Do I agree with everything that President Putin said?  Of course not; however, he wasn't duplicitous about his goals, and that's important.  

From my perspective, Mr. Assad being removed from power is more important than whether or not our election process was infiltrated.  No issue discussed among leaders of countries is trivial; when I said over a year ago that I "didn't care" whether or not there was Russian interference in the election, what I meant was that it was clear to me that Russia was in charge in Syria and that this reality was the priority.  

Syrians will suffer and die today, the way they did yesterday and the day before.  It is shameful how much time, money and effort have been wasted on things that really are trivial by the self-righteous, almost uniformly hypocritical people and organizations who would rather attack President Trump, no matter what he does, than to think, do and say what will create positive resolutions.