Monday, August 20, 2018

"What is the relevance of this?"

I sent this email on August  17, 2018, after having been initially invited online, on August 4, 2018, to apply for a job as a cashier.  The email describes the events of the almost-2-weeks from the time that I was sent the invitation to the time that the second interview for the job was canceled and I was informed that I would not be given the job.

I didn’t really want to apply to work at a college, because of what I went through when I was a student at Bunker Hill Community College.  However, I want to be employed, so I applied.  

I have blogged before about everyone at the shelter having to get up at 6:00 a.m., every day of the year, including weekends and holidays.  If I work late, I can't sleep later; I have to get up at 6:00 a.m. regardless of what time work is over and when I return to the shelter.  

I can't know what precipitated the change in tone toward me after my first interview.  They had gotten my resume from an online database for prospective employers and employees, and I'm sure that they hadn't done a Google search of my name, "Lena Kochman," before they invited me to apply and before my first interview.  I think it's not improbable that they did a Google search of my name after my first interview, and that they scheduled a second interview to have another look at me so that they would know if I'm the Crazy, Paranoid Schizophrenic Who Thinks That Everyone Is Harassing And Stalking Her about whom so many people have published blogs, blogs which are most of the Internet search results for my name.

In addition to all of the threats of violence against me that people who have written blogs and comments to blogs about me have made, it is ironic how many of them write things saying that I need to get a job.  Nobody wants to hire me when he or she has done an Internet search of my name.  



Thank you for your email; I guess that I can appreciate one solid answer, even if it's "No," than to continue to be able to count on nothing.

First, during the interview that I had on Monday, M told me that the evening shift ends at 8 or 8:30.  He also told me that you were really interested in hiring me, and he even asked me if I could start this Friday, which I said that I could.  I told him that I just needed Tuesdays and Thursdays off, and that if your facility wanted to schedule me to work the night shift for the rest of the week, including the weekend nights, I could do that. 

Then, I got an email from J telling me that the shift actually ends at 10:30 p.m., that he was going to schedule me for Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights, and that he was still figuring out the weekend.  I responded by saying that the evening shift was later than I thought it would be, but that I was still interested.  The rest of that email from me was an attempt to tell him what my concerns were about working in the morning on the weekend or after working late at night and also to do what I could to accommodate the needs of your business.

His response to that email wasn't to apologize for my having been initially given the wrong information, wasn't to appreciate that I really did want to try the job anyway, and certainly wasn't appreciation for the fact that I had made the attempt to consider the overall situation and think of ways that I could work a weekend morning every other week or every once in a while in a way that could work for everyone.

This was all in addition to my being told by J that I needed to have a second interview. 

I agreed to have a second interview.

Then, on my own time, and before even being hired, I went to the company’s website and read an article that's at the first page of that website that has to do with an issue that's getting a lot of publicity right now and that is also specifically related to the company’s presence at many colleges.  The article is about all of the businesses that are banning plastic straws or replacing them with straws made of an alternative material.  Since I was about to have a second interview for a job at a coffee shop managed by the company, I thought that the article would be of even more interest to all of you.

After reading that article, I did additional research, looking for businesses online from which restaurants and other food service facilities can order alternative straws in bulk.  I found a business which will custom-make alternative straws that are precisely the same in terms of their measurements as the straws that you're using now.  This is important for a coffee shop, because there are cups of different sizes.

I emailed the results of my work-related research to J. 

The last thing that I expected from him was to receive a one-sentence email, asking me "What is the relevance of this?"

When I responded by saying that I was trying to be helpful, he responded by telling me that the email about the straws was "random."  Before I had even received the email from him which said that the information that I had sent him was "random," I had written to you about my concerns.

Thank you for telling me that other people are hiring, but why would I try to go through something like this again at another facility? 

