Be able to recollect to the minute when someone who was slobbering drunk assaulted you, no matter how old you are. If you don't, you'll be called a crazy liar, even if you're a psychology professor by the time that you have to talk about it in front of millions of people.
After the assault, spend hours thinking about every detail of it every day for the rest of your life, so that even if you have to face powerful and hostile men who are planning to discredit you, you never hesitate in the telling of the most traumatic thing that ever happened to you.
If a man tells you to "lighten up," don't say "Like all women, I've been trained since birth to know that I'm not supposed to HAVE recreation, even if it's being at a party with people my age. I'm supposed to BE recreation for men, even if what they like to do for fun is to gang rape." You don't want to offend him; just smile and apologize for not laughing at his jokes.