Sunday, September 9, 2018

It's not unstable behavior to take a break when I feel overburdened by responsibility that isn't actually mine; it's a bad decision not to take those breaks.

When do the Syrians get a break?  A generation of people was born into and has known nothing other than pain.  

Mr. Assad is planning to reinstate a fascist regime which is based on terror, and he's being enabled to do it.  He wants to make sure that everyone bends to his will; he wants to implant fear so deeply and pervasively into the minds of Syrian citizens that they don't even think of defying him or his descendants again.  

It is the Syrian government that's germinating terror.  Syria is a 21st-century prototype for brainwashing people into thinking that democracy is a dangerous idea that causes people to be tortured and murdered and that devastates a country.  "Don't talk about democracy; He will kill you and everyone who listens to you."