The past year has changed the world.
In one way or another, this is a losing situation.
The bomb has already dropped; the explosion is expanding.
You're not reading the signs of what the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh will cause.
I have previously mentioned the hypocrisy of people who, while never stopping their derisive slut-shaming of me for not being able to stop their criminal voyeurism, have lauded Stormy Daniels while sidestepping much discussion of her profession. They haven't slut-shamed her because she is useful to them as a weapon against you.
I'm not saying that anyone should be slut-shamed. That's not the topic of this page.
Two women who are decidedly not porn stars had already accused Judge Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct before a third woman made an even more dreadful accusation this morning. I believe all of them, and I am entirely sure not only that they will all continue to be believable and believed by increasing numbers of people, but that additional women who are also not porn stars will soon be discussing their knowledge of these incidents, implicating men who graduated from prestigious high schools and colleges and who are now powerful and otherwise highly respected people.
If the third woman contacted Mr. Avenatti with her allegations, it's probably because the media hasn't crucified Ms. Daniels. He is not being made less credible by the client whose statement he published today.
Also, he's managing these clients with intelligence. It's sad and funny that Ms. Daniels, who has consented to being filmed in her birthday suit, can afford real legal help, while I am relegated to the realm of ridiculed protestors.
Please impartially consider the allegations.
I don't have millions of dollars to protect my image, the way that celebrities do, and it shows. Here are quotes from Carey Martell, one...
Although my life is really awful, I am not in the dire situation described at the previous page. Unfortunately, I'll be 46 this summer...