I know you don't want to hear it, but it's the truth.
I don't suppose that you tried to ask any of the guests or staff, in private, what it's really like to live there and to work there, reassuring them first that there would be no repercussions for telling you the truth.
This is why I avoided your visit. I didn't feel the need to create a media moment with you, particularly since there are so many issues at that shelter, and at every shelter, that it would be impossible to reconcile reality with that type of publicity, even if nobody took my picture while you were there.
As I have also said, I avoided your visit because I like to be at a distance from politicians. It helps me to be impartial, and it helps them to avoid having problems because of my tendency to say what I want to say, even when I'm upset.
The public doesn't know what homeless shelters are really like; the public has no idea, and it also has no interest. Homeless people are considered to be society's throwaways, a burden, worthless, stupid, uniformly dangerous, and unsalvageable. What the public also doesn't know is how much of the system that is supposed to help homeless people also has that opinion of the homeless, and treats us accordingly.