I wish that the caravan crisis hadn't deteriorated to the point of physical confrontation. It's not all your fault, but I don't know why you were adamantly against going to talk to those people when they were en route. It's not as if you don't know how to talk to a crowd.
Why isn't the rest of Latin America stepping up to help them? Why are they being encouraged to try to gain access to the United States, where even if all of their applications were accepted, they would be subject to and subjugated by barriers of language and culture, and many if not most of them would have to spend the rest of their lives as janitors, maids and worse?
My guess is that people who are prepared to live in the United States know how to request access without being part of a caravan.
As soon as people are out of the physical danger of whatever they're fleeing, they shouldn't be encouraged to progress toward the U.S. border as part of a large group. There have to be alternatives to this.