"Find it" is conglomerate code for finding the criminally filmed videos of me at whatever sleazy porn websites have them. The conglomerate started its code jokes about "finding" the videos in either 2011 or 2012.
Like illegally filming me and other homeless people, psychiatric patients, low income tenants, people in gym locker rooms (also perhaps including children at a Boston YMCA that has a Boys' locker room and a Girls' locker room), and everyone else who is being criminally victimized for its amusement, the conglomerate thinks that answering my protests by increasing its jokes about "finding it" is the funniest thing it has ever done.
I have said before that I never changed my clothes, took a shower, or used a toilet in either of the Massachusetts apartments where I was criminally victimized by voyeurism without turning off the lights in the bathroom and blocking light from under the bathroom door with a towel. The conglomerate also thought that was funny; another of its many jokes is to threaten to turn the lights on.
I can't turn the lights off to do those things in homeless shelters or gyms. The conglomerate also thinks that's funny.
I have never seen even one image from the criminally filmed videos of me. I looked for them for a while, but it was so depressing to think about the millions of people who will eventually be looking at me and talking about me the way that they look at and talk about other people who are naked at those websites that I stopped.
I applied to the Cambridge Inclusionary Housing Rental Program in 2015, before the City of Cambridge started "Find It Cambridge."
It took several months for my application to be processed and for a landlord to rent to me through that program. It was after I moved to the apartment that the City of Cambridge started "Find It Cambridge."
When I was told that I could have an apartment, I dreaded that I'd be criminally victimized by voyeurism again, the way that I was from 2013-2014.
I don't know which is worse, being too afraid to try to have your rights respected, or to have every step of the miserable process of your futile attempt be exactly what you knew it would be: denial, threats telling you to stop your "false accusations," retaliation, being skeptically condescended to by everyone to whom you turn for help and who thinks that the voyeurism isn't real and that you're paranoid, being laughed at by everyone to whom you turn for help who knows that you're telling the truth and who thinks it's funny to have you beg for corroborating phone calls or emails to authorities, the court hearings where you're portrayed as a dangerous, lying lunatic, losing.
Now I have spent another year and a half being blamed for my chronic homelessness by everyone whose job it is to help me, and continuing to be criminally victimized by all of the same people who have criminally victimized me everywhere else.
This is my 6th homeless winter since 2011. I and hundreds, if not thousands, of other people are being criminally victimized in bathrooms, showers and locker rooms in Massachusetts every day.