From "Problems of Women Workers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; A Context Analysis," 2017:
Figure 1: Has any contract been signed?................................................................... 24
Figure 2: Before commencing work, are any pre-conditions set? .......................... 25
Figure 3: Number of houses of work............................................................................. 25
Figure 4: Mode of payment .......................................................................................... 26
Figure 5: Do you have to cook food? ......................................................................... 26
Figure 6: Do you have to wash clothes?..................................................................... 27
Figure 7: Do you have to iron clothes?........................................................................ 27
Figure 8: Do you have to wash dishes?....................................................................... 28
Figure 9: Do you face any physical violence at your place of work?.................... 28
Figure 10: Have you ever been sexually harassed at your work place?................ 29
Figure 11: Mode of travel to and from work place.................................................... 29
Figure 12: Who takes your pay? ................................................................................... 30
Figure 13: What percentage of your income do you spend on yourself?............. 30
Figure 14: Have you gained any autonomy or power due to your income? ....... 31
Figure 15: Do you take your children along at work? ............................................... 32
Figure 16: Do you get any break at work? ................................................................. 32
Figure 17: How many leaves can you take per month?........................................... 33
Figure 18: Do you get paid extra if you work more? ................................................. 34
Figure 19: If you fall ill, do your employers pay for your treatment? ....................... 34
Figure 20: Do you know any Pakistani laws that protect domestic workers? ........ 35
Figure 21: Do you know that you can join hands with other domestic workers to
make a union to press for your rights?......................................................................... 35
Figure 22: Has any contract been signed between you and the employer?....... 42
Figure 23: What is your status of employment?.......................................................... 42
Figure 24: How are you paid?....................................................................................... 43
Figure 25: Amount of pay of factory workers in PKR shown in decreasing order of
frequency clockwise...................................................................................................... 43
Figure 26: Is there any daycare facility for children at your work-place?.............. 44
Figure 27: Do you take your children along? ............................................................. 44
Figure 28: Have you ever been sexually harassed at your work-place?................ 45
Figure 29: Is there a committee to deal with sexual harassment cases at your
work-place? .................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 30: Can you take a maternity leave from your place of work? .................. 46
Figure 31: Do you get any compensation from your work-place when you fall ill?
........................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 32: Do you know about EOBI? .......................................................................... 47
Figure 33: Do you know about social security?.......................................................... 47
Figure 34: What percentage of your income do you spend on yourself?............. 48
Figure 35: Has your income given you any power in your household?.................. 48
Figure 36: Is any importance given to your opinion in household matters because
of your income?.............................................................................................................. 49