Speaking of leaking, the urogenital problem that started in late August of 2016, causing months of anxiety, multiple physical exams and other tests, hasn't entirely resolved. It took me a couple of weeks of living with pain to seek treatment for it, since I am so emotionally battered from the conglomerate's years of sexual harassment and other abuse. During my first physical exam, I broke down in tears as soon as the doctor inserted a speculum, and I cried throughout the entire exam. At one point during the exam, someone knocked on the door to the exam room, and although there was a curtain between the exam table and the door, and the doctor called to the person on the other side of the door "Wait a minute," I could not help screaming "GET OUT" at whomever it was who had knocked.
Unfortunately, this wasn't my last exam. I had several more after that, including one in which I had to tell a specialist who was trying to insert a catheter into my urethra to obtain a urine sample, "I really can't tolerate you inserting what feels like a large pin into this part of my body." That's not precisely how I said it, but she took it out.
Another exam, by another doctor, resulted in blood running out of my vagina and onto the exam table. I did not have my period at the time. The doctor said that the blood was caused by the inside of my vagina being so unused to having anything even the size of the smallest speculum in it. As I have also said before, and which the conglomerate continues to treat as if I have never said it while the conglomerate continues to bray its rabid propaganda about my alleged sluttiness being the basis of the conglomerate's treatment of me, I was a virgin until I was 27 and haven't had sex since I was 29. It's been 15 years since I have had sexual intercourse. It's been 9 years since I had a physical encounter with another person, even kissing. The conglomerate's campaign to isolate me from humanity is a wild success and was always a foregone conclusion, considering the conglomerate's power and its array of tactics, including invading my privacy in every way possible and attacking anyone who isn't overtly abusive toward me.
Although most of the problem that started in 2016 was probably caused by a medication that I had been taking for a few years to guarantee that my constant mental distress over being a target of harassment, stalking, voyeurism and threats of violence wouldn't prevent me from sleeping or send me into psychosis, and although that medication was stopped almost a year ago, I continue to have symptoms, such as urine retention, painful spasms and what I am now fearful is the occasional spot of urine in my underwear. It is known, to people who have taken psychiatric medication but not to the public, that many psychiatric medications can cause side effects that are permanent, even when the medications are stopped. The "newer" medications are advertised as not causing so many problems, which is a lie.
Along the way of several doctors giving their diagnoses and suggesting treatment options, I have had it suggested to me that physical therapy for my pelvic floor might be helpful. One of the methods described during that conversation was that the physical therapist inserts a metal ball into the patient's vagina and rolls it around to try to smooth out what might be a ripple, caused by tension, in the pelvic floor. So far, I have declined hoisting myself up onto yet another table so that another stranger can have a gander at my hoo-haw, let alone insert more things in it.
I would rather not be discussing my health with you in this detail, or at all. However, since conversation about the area between my legs has been forced on me by innumerable people for almost a decade, I thought I should mention the facts again.