The article is too full of nauseating quotes for me to choose from.
How about this:
"Becoming, published in November, sold more than 1.4m copies in its first week and is now one of the bestselling books of the decade. According to CNN, it was the most-sold book on Amazon across all formats for 47 consecutive days, the longest streak of any book since the erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey in 2012. Recently, challengers have briefly knocked it off top spot, but this week it was back at No 1 on the non-fiction list."
The conglomerate started to promote sexual crime and violence against women, with the Obamas' endorsement, in 2010.
The first "Fifty Shades of Grey" book was published in 2011, and was hyped by the entertainment industry into a phenomenon, much decried by advocates for survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
It is chilling, to say the least, that the author of the Guardian article (a white man in Washington; how surprising), blithely mentions that Former First Lady Michelle Obama's autobiography is a top-selling successor to Fifty Shades of Grey.
David Smith, the author of the article, is the Guardian's Washington, DC bureau chief.
Is every foreign media source lying to the rest of the world about the United States, the way that the Guardian is?