I rejected you, not the other way around, remember? I have no regrets about that; if you do, that's your issue.
I LOATHE your lifestyle, your mindset, the decisions that you make, your friends, your clothing line, and whatever else you can think of that you feel makes you uniquely you at this time in your life.
I could not be less impressed, and, since you are so impressed with yourself, I don't know why you keep acting as if my opinion matters to you in one way or another.
Why you think it's mature, intelligent, good, Christian or anything other than sickening for you to torment a middle-aged, homeless woman and participate in the criminal victimization of hundreds, if not thousands, of unsuspecting people, I don't know.
Your marriage, friends, career, religion and everything else must be really unsatisfying, if you feel that you need to spend so much time, energy and even money bullying me. If you stop bullying me, there are many other people who will continue it, so I don't know why you feel that your efforts are necessary.
Follow the rich and powerful crowd that's torturing someone who is impoverished; you're right, that was Jesus's message. How silly of me and my Jewish ignorance, not to have recognized you for the international role model for fairness that you are.
Have you stopped your bodyguards from calling your neighbors things such as "little Jew boy?" I don't have bodyguards; most people don't. You don't think about that when you're promoting sexual assault, do you?