I think I'm gibbering. Yup, I'm gibbering. I have a lot to do today, and I don't have time for my typical intellectual process for everything that I write online.
Here are some thought fragments from what I was thinking about writing before a news story that hasn't had a lot of press in the United States just sent me into Freak-out mode:
-The lowest I have ever scored on an IQ test is 140. The highest is 150. It's a strange feeling to look at those bell curves that show most people at around 100 and think "Am I really that much smarter than other people?" I don't think it can mean that much; I really don't. I'm not saying it's never an ego boost. Probably, when I think "I can't really be that much smarter than other people," I'm not thinking that thought in the same tone of voice as someone who has tested much lower and who thinks "Other people can't be that much smarter than I am."
-My IQ has not succeeded at convincing people to stop harassing me or illegally filming me and A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE in showers, bathrooms, locker rooms and their homes.