Saturday, May 4, 2019

Mayor Walsh is resuming the systemic promotion of sexual abuse that Me Too and the gymnastics scandal temporarily stymied.

Presumably, he feels that he can do this because he and Vice President Biden were publicly plotting together before Vice President Biden announced his candidacy in the Presidential race, and dishonesty from the media and the Democratic Party is propelling Vice President Biden toward being the Democrats' front runner.

It is even more sickening that Mayor Walsh is conflating women's rights with the promotion of sexual assault, with the announcement of the "Boston Women Work 1st Annual Innovations Driving Effective Practices" initiative.

This could not be more disgusting.  There's no reason to think that the women whom he is implicating in these announcements know that they're being exploited to unwittingly promote a corrupt agenda of human rights abuses.


Mayor wants to know the ways you're advancing women in the workplace! Tell us by applying for the 2019 Innovative Initiatives and be recognized this June for your efforts. 💡More info:
