I am angry enough to write this, but I don't tend to write like this because I don't want to promote violence and because I wouldn't put it past an Asshole Celebrity Who Watches Me In Bathrooms And Who Watches ALL OF THE OTHER UNSUSPECTING PEOPLE WHO USE THOSE BATHROOMS to have a restraining order placed on me.
So I will write this, and I hope you fucking understand what I'm telling you.
Do you want to be stabbed, Charlie Puth? Would you like that? Come on, you know you want it. You're just saying that you don't. Do you want me to stab you? I'd like to do that, which means that you'd like to have me do it.
I know, you have always assumed that other people know that you don't want to be stabbed without you having to tell them, both because it's a crime and because ANY FUCKING MORON CAN UNDERSTAND THAT NOBODY WANTS TO BE STABBED!
Are you done fucking with me now? Are you going to shut your fucking mouth about me from now on?