If the conditions in detention centers are bad, you should want to know. You do not need to deny every criticism; a good leader doesn't. Taking responsibility for addressing a situation that you didn't entirely cause is not the same thing as accepting the blame for it. It just means that you are helping people who need that help, because you don't allow suffering to continue if you can put a stop to it.
You also don't need to use cruelty to keep people out of the country. Even a humane detention center has to be boring after a while. People will leave without being made miserable while they're there, if they know that there's no reason for them to stay.
Also, it seems to me that most of the people who are trying to get into the country illegally are not the most educated or otherwise knowledgeable people. The ones who can get in on "merit" either want to stay in their home countries to help increase the standard of living where they're from, or they're already in the process of trying to gain access to the United States legally. You don't need to be disdainful of people who don't know what else to do other than what they're doing.