Most of the entertainment industry's writers are men. I'm a good writer. I also don't and never did cheapen my writing ability to conform to that industry's stereotypes. Forcing me permanently into the role of "Naked woman in the shower" is and always was the industry's answer to that. No glass ceiling for me; just a fucking cage for the rest of my life. The illegally filmed videos of me will never stop circulating, accruing views continuously. I will be degraded in front of millions of people while I live, and even after I am dead. The only legacy that I am allowed is the one that the conglomerate has scripted for me. I have never felt invested in having a legacy at all; I don't need a good legacy or a bad legacy. I don't need for people to remember me. I want to be able to live my life, not like a FUCKING TRAPPED ANIMAL!
Every last one of the women who work for that industry is a lying traitor.
Black men didn't used to be allowed to play professional sports. They were subjected to all sorts of abuse. Now they are almost synonymous with professional sports. What's sickening is that, as a group, men of color who are part of the sports industry have done so little to discourage sexism. They do not recognize their own historical experience in the second-citizenship forced on women around the world.
They have proven that they are only human. Not more, not less; concerned with their own success, with their image, their wealth, they fought their way into the narcissistic bubble of American celebrity, and they consider their own power to be enough of a civil rights achievement.
I don't want anything from any of those people. I don't want to work with them. I don't want to date them. I don't want to be friends with them. I want the cameras out of my fucking bathroom, and I want them to leave me the fuck alone.