Friday, July 5, 2019
Spare me.
At the end of the day, I'm being sexually assaulted by hidden, illegal cameras in the bathroom and you're not, because you're part of a hyperprivileged gang of misogynist assholes, and I'm not. That's also at the beginning of the day, and often in the middle of the day, every day, depending on where I am in the Boston area, where voyeurism and involuntary pornography have proliferated while the state's politicians either promote these crimes or would rather believe that I'm exaggerating when I talk about the problem.
Also, you have now spent about 3 years either trying to get me to say that I am interested in dating you or acting as if I haven't already said that I'm not. I have never given you a reason to think that I want to date you. I have always been clear that I don't.
I am not interested in dating you, and I wouldn't be interested even if you were genuinely interested in dating me, which you're not. You don't like me as a person; obviously, there is nobody who is part of the entertainment industry who likes me as a person. People who are liked as human beings aren't treated the way that I am treated. I have also said, because it is true, that the average model whom nodody has heard of is better-looking than I am. I am almost 45 years old. It's already been true for many years that the average pretty girl who is 10 or 20 years younger than I am is better-looking than I am. I don't resent the natural progression of life and aging. What I hate is being abused, a battered, dehumanized, ridiculed vagina trophy in a disgusting competition of pursuit and conquest among wealthy, repulsive people who want to believe that being the target of this behavior is flattering and that I am lying about HATING IT.
It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to realize that I am horrifically abused, and that everyone else who uses the bathrooms that I use is also being abused by the voyeurism and involuntary pornography which the conglomerate has now spent almost a decade pretending I have asked for or deserve. All of you fucking assholes expend a lot of mental energy believing what you want to believe.
If I'm lying, if I like how I'm being forced to live, if it's an honor, if it's something that all of the unsuspecting people who are also being victimized would be happy about if they knew what was going on, then why don't you have cameras in your fucking bathrooms, you lying hypocrites? Not one of you does. The most vociferous accusers among you, the people who make money writing shit to portray me as a show-off who enjoys this abuse, are not living the way that they are accusing me of enjoying having to live.