Monday, September 30, 2019

The Boston Globe

Thank you for investigating DCF.

Please also investigate homeless shelters.  Stop taking what service providers say at face value.  They don't speak for homeless people.  What they say are lies.

I'm not saying that there are no good people working at homeless shelters, but for the most part these are terrible places and they don't have to be.

President Macron

I wish that you'd consider granting asylum to Edward Snowden.  I don't think that he should have to continue to be dependent on a government that has a penchant for ensuring that murderous dictators remain in power.

Cat on a leash

I hope that I can solve the problems in my 3rd apartment in a row in Massachusetts.  Then I can finally provide a home for my cat, whom I had to leave in Vermont almost 10 years ago.

A sad and funny story about her:

I don't know if I rescued her or took her away from somewhere that she was happy.  As far as I knew, she was a stray: she didn't have a collar and I ran into her on a farm where I had gone for some sort of artistic thing.  I went for a walk and suddenly she was there.  She ran over to me and jumped on my back.  I figured I was chosen and fall was approaching, so I took her home.

After several months, I started to feel bad that she was never able to be outside.  I bought a cat leash.  I was willing to look stupid, walking her.

I looked a lot worse than stupid.  She hated the leash.  She wouldn't walk; she lay down on the sidewalk and meowed an angry, miserable meow that I hadn't heard before.  People walked around us, looking at her and then at me.  I finally had to pick her up and bring her back to my apartment.

I started thinking about that ill-fated attempt to make her happy at about the same time that I moved to this apartment and Charlie Puth offered to call me.  (I think that's what he did.)  I said at the time that I didn't think that dating him would be a good idea; I have talked about why.  I haven't changed my mind about that, but my years of isolation aren't helping me in that decision.  I suppose that if he didn't feel like helping me to do what I think I should do, I might end up spending time with him, and I think that I'd be like my cat when I was trying to walk her.  I know this about how I have acted in other situations when I allowed my loneliness to win.  I shut down; it's not fun.

I have a problematic living situation.

For the third time in a row.

It is stressful.

It would also be helpful if the people who have bullied me for years and who are now bullying me about my weight would stop.  I weigh 129 pounds, dressed for the beginning of October in the Northeast.  When I took my weight 3 weeks ago, it was warmer and the scale also said 129 pounds.  I had already lost weight by then, in the week and a half since I'd moved.  All of this means that I might have lost as many as 8 pounds in the month that I have had this apartment.  People are starting to ask me if I have lost weight.

I'm happiest at around or a few pounds below 125, but 8 pounds is a lot to lose in a month.  I am starting not to know when I'm hungry and to be able not to eat even when I know that I haven't eaten enough.  It is disorienting to have been viciously bullied about what I look like for so many years, whether the bullying is lewd or whether it is implying that I'm ugly.

I'm having more suicidal thoughts, also.  They have never really gone away since the harassment started in 2010, but they fluctuate.  They've been worse over the past couple of weeks, since I started asking that people who know that the voyeurism in the Boston area is real tell Congress that it is and nobody has, as far as I know.

Thanks so much, both of you.

I really appreciate your maturity.  


Sunday, September 29, 2019

Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of U.S. Senators:

List of Representatives:

If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

Minister Zarif

Thanks to some checks on the disintegration of civilization in the United States, our government doesn't bomb its own hospitals, unlike Mr. Assad's government.  

Thank you, Mr. Snowden.

It's unfortunate that President Macron, one of many leaders who disparaged President Trump for publicity at the beginning of President Trump's time in office, won't help you.  They had a visit at the White House that seemed to be all right, so President Macron could give you asylum while respectfully disagreeing with the U.S. government's current thinking about it.  Better that than trying to wring President Trump's hand off.  




Meanwhile, in real news




How does the Wall Street Journal think that Venezuelans are going to "oust Mr. Maduro themselves?"

President Trump

If you could be less of a chauvinist pig, I would appreciate it.

I frequently support you when I don't have a reason to do so other than that I think I should, and you know it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Citizens Bank is still promoting child molestation.

South Station:

How many scandals do there have to be?  How many adult survivors of child molestation, who talk about what how horrible it is, do there have to be before this NIGHTMARE ENDS?!

Friday, September 27, 2019

I was paid today.

My paycheck, for 2 weeks of work, was $716.53.

I am scheduled for 4 days per week, 8 hours per shift, with a 1/2 hour, unpaid break.  That is considered full-time employment.  Eventually I will be eligible for health insurance and other benefits and will not need financial assistance from welfare other than my housing voucher, without which I would still be homeless.

I am not complaining about earning an average of less than $400/week.  I am happy to be working.

However, it is DISGUSTING that I am abused every day by multi-millionaires, corporations, advertising agencies, online platforms, governments, the media, cultural institutions, and everyone else who feels like it.

Transcripts (Fact, Satire & Conjecture)

Transcript of Conversation Between President Trump and the Prime Minister of Sweden (Satire):

PT:  Thanks for letting A$AP Rocky out of jail because of the pressure that I put on you (fact).   I wouldn't have wanted to look as if I couldn't bypass your criminal justice system at the whim of celebrities such as my good friends Kanye West and his wife, Kim Kardashian (fact).  He's a charming guy; have you read his Twitter (satire)?

PM:  "(Polite resentment)" (conjecture).

PT: Justin Bieber really wanted A$SP Rocky out of jail, too (fact). Did you know that Mr. Bieber is married to Hailey Baldwin, Alec Baldwin's niece (fact)?

PM:  "(Silence)" (conjecture).

PT:  Yes, they were married at a courthouse in 2018, ironically, since Mr. Bieber skipped a court date while making out with her (fact). Now they're having an evangelical wedding to show their commitment to each other and to the Almighty (fact/satire).  Isn't it a small world (satire)?  Mr. Bieber slept with Kim Kardashian's sister, Kourtney, and with their sister, Kendall Jenner (fact). I heard that both of them might be bridesmaids at the wedding, (satire), and that Calvin Klein might design the bridesmaids' dresses in a fetching shade of "I Slept With the Groom"  (satire).

PM: "(Silence)" (conjecture)


Transcript of Conversation Between Alec Baldwin and Alec Baldwin:

Alec Baldwin:  Should I tell someone in Congress about the hidden, illegal cameras that have criminally victimized more people every year in the Boston area since 2011?

Alec Baldwin:. After the Democrats win the White House, and the entertainment industry is restored to the political power that it had during the Obama administration, I might think about telling someone.

(I don't know how to characterize that transcript.  I don't know what else the rationale of Mr. Baldwin, everyone at Saturday Night Live, and everyone else who knows I'm telling the truth is for doing nothing to stop these crimes for all of these years.)

Charlie Puth

Are there any more of Justin Bieber's girlfriends whom you'd like to hit on, before, during or after their weddings to him or other people?

I'm sure that I'm not the only person who has misgivings about the impending nuptials of Justin and Hailey Bieber.  Even people who don't know that he hasn't stopped hitting on me for the year that they've been married and who don't know that she's hitting on you even while the wedding entourage is preventing guests at their hotel from using the hotel's facilities so that the stars and their friends can have exclusive access to them have misgivings about their marriage.  I suppose it doesn't matter that much unless they start having children, continuing the sad, meaningless cycles into the next generation.  When you have as much money as Justin Bieber has, nothing really matters after a while.

My question is why I'm still being slut-shamed and treated as if I deserve to be filmed in the bathroom and ridiculed by vicious, ignorant, greedy, selfish, HYPOCRITES.

I have said before that the opinion of disgusting people is worthless.  It's when they're stomping on my rights that there's an issue.  That is also how everyone else who's being criminally violated every day is going to feel about it, when the public knows, regardless of what the conglomerate is able to make anyone think about me.

I'm not lying or delusional.

Justin Bieber published this at his Instagram last night.

As far as he, and apparently everyone else who knows that I'm telling the truth is concerned, the criminal victimization of hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the Boston area every day is funny.  

Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of U.S. Senators:

List of Representatives:

If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Chinese movies

Tonight, I saw a Chinese movie that made its way past the censors.

Such simple joys! Such simple sorrows!  Such simple people!

Is that what the Chinese government wants the world to think of China?

There's no guarantee that allowing Chinese films intellectual freedom will induce everyone who's part of the Chinese film industry to take that freedom.  Certainly many people who are part of the American film industry don't.

However, you never know until you try.  

Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of U.S. Senators:

List of Representatives:

If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Discord is preferable to a corrupt peace.

If you cut out my tongue so I can't talk and cut off my hands so I can't write, that won't make you right.

What about human rights in Iran?




I'm not trying to make a negotiation more difficult, nor have I ceased to think of myself as being a foreign policy amateur.

I'm asking about human rights in Iran because I don't know what mechanism an agreement that promises the permanent lifting of sanctions would leave in place to address the issue of human rights.

To be honest, I'm not sure why human rights are such a problem in the Middle East.  What are the leaders afraid of?  A population that is free is also more productive, as the United States proved by abolishing slavery.

Women are very productive in the United States.  Black people and other minorities are very productive in the United States.  We could all be more productive if we had equal rights in every respect in addition to having them legally.

It's when people are oppressed and disenfranchised that they have a collective impetus to be disruptive or a burden.  I think that every country that has ever been pushed around by the United States and/or by Europe can understand that.  I don't absolve history.

I also am disgusted by the willingness of ostensible democracies to let people who had faith in them and who rebelled against dictators be tortured, defeated and uprooted by the millions just because those dictators aren't quite stupid enough to attack those ostensible democracies.  Yet.

Bella Thorne

Also, I don't know if it has occurred to you that the abuse and neglect that were inflicted on you when you were younger, in addition to being part of an industry which values girls and women almost exclusively according to their bodies, have defined your ideas about yourself in a hypersexualized way.  Do you feel that your Tweets and other publications about sex are you contributing to the world about healthy sexuality, or are they driven by shame and a need for approval?

Do these words sound like what you feel after you have published something about sex:

"Do you love me now? What about now? Do you think you're going to stop loving me? What if I do this?  Do you think that's bad? If you do, maybe someone else won't."

I'm paraphrasing.  Feel free to dispute my theory.

If you weren't beautiful, how would you be living your life?  What would you depend on for some happiness every day?  A lot of people live their entire lives without being beautiful; have you thought about how they manage it?  I'm not calling you superficial.  I'm asking questions that people don't always ask of young women who are successful.

Do you think that you are breaking stereotypes or inhabiting them?

Israel is the only Jewish state in the region and is surrounded by mortal enemies.

If the Iranian government starts a discussion about global denuclearization, I'll support it.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Bella Thorne

You should stop doing drugs.

If you're not going to stop doing drugs, you should stop advertising at social media that you do them.  It is a bad influence for kids, teenagers and young adults.

You don't know what it feels like not to be young and healthy, so you don't appreciate it.  If you don't change your trajectory, you will know what it feels like not to be healthy sooner than you think.

I am not moralizing.  I have spent more than 6 years being homeless.  I have never done drugs.  I have never been drunk.  I have seen other people destroy their lives.  They would give anything to wake up healthy, even if they can't be young.

I don't know what to say about you having directed porn.  I don't know why you thought it was necessary.  The species forgets to do a lot of things century after century; so far, extinction from absent-mindedness about sex has never seemed to pose a looming threat.

Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of U.S. Senators:

List of Representatives:

If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

I work for $12.75/hour.

I don't resent not being rich, but there is no reason for rich people and rich groups to invest in making my life as miserable as they can, nor is there a reason for them to make even more money from ripping me off or gossiping about me.

Also, I shouldn't have to have an even more stressful situation in every part of my life outside of work than I have at work.  It's not fair.

I AM NOT ASKING for the abuse to which I've been subjected for so many years.  NOBODY would want to live the way that the conglomerate has forced me to live, and what about all of the other people who are being abused? How can everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth not care about all of those other people, regardless of whether or not you hate me?

Me at my bleeding-heart best





Tag them electronically.  They're felons; give them identifiers that you can track.  My concern is that some of them are stupid enough to cut off limbs, so I would try to think of a way around that.

I suppose you could also give them the option of uncovering their faces; that or tagging.  Tagging is probably going to be more helpful in preventing crime.

Also make sure that everyone has enough to eat, enough sleep, medical care and something interesting to do.  Nobody likes to be cooped up, hot and bored.

How many people attended this conference in Ankara?



I don't think so.




There are a lot of people whom I don't agree with.  I don't falsely accuse them of sexual assault so that I can win about something else.
You'd have to be a really bad person to do that.  Dr. Ford didn't seem like a bad person to me.  She didn't even want to go to the hearing.  She wanted to be anonymous.  She didn't ask for what has happened to her, and she knew it would be like this.

She could have kept quiet.  It would have been easier and safer for her, and that silence, which many people keep about being the victims of assault or sexual assault, is part of what rape culture thrives on.  What she did was selfless.

Now that I'm thinking about it, the youthful Justice Kavanaugh seems to have had a type of woman whom he attempted to shock, humiliate or violate in front of a friend or friends.  Quiet, studious, innocent, nice to everyone.






There was someone who accused Justice Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct before he was nominated for the Supreme Court?

Did I read this wrong, or is that what Ms. Hemingway said?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

I have never said that homeless people are perfect.

I have said that they need to be treated humanely.  You can't help people if you're not humane toward them.

Since I heard about the group shower at the men's side of the Pine Street Inn, I have thought that it should be upgraded.  Men deserve their privacy as much as women do.

Also, so many homeless men have histories of abuse, either as victims or perpetrators or both, that I think it's inhumane to make them take group showers.

I have said before that there's no emotional or psychological support for severely damaged people in homeless shelters.  I don't know why anyone expects to prevent recidivism without that support.

There's no reason that support can't or shouldn't be provided in homeless shelters.

This is the address of a video that I published at YouTube 3 years ago, about one of the ads that Apple had on one of its billboards on the Pine Street Inn women's shelter:

The "half-naked girl" mentioned was either underaged or photographed to look underage.

I thought that was one of Apple's worst ads, particularly because the men's shelter and the women's shelter are in the same building, which has daycares and elementary schools within walking distance.

Since a lot of registered sex offenders can't obtain housing, a lot of them live in homeless shelters.  Did my YELLING THAT YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE ADS PROMOTING CHILD MOLESTATION ANYWHERE, LET ALONE PLASTERED ON HOMELESS SHELTERS deter Apple, Verizon or the rest of the conglomerate in 2016?  It sure didn't.

This is another video about the same ad:

This one has the ad:

Me saying it again:

The Pine Street Inn men's shelter has a group shower.

Transgender, homeless people can't live there.

I don't mean that they're not allowed to stay there; they can stay there if they want to, but they won't live.

Their options are to be bullied at the women's shelter or murdered at the men's shelter.

So, yeah.  This is bad.

Transgender, homeless people tend to be the least aggressive people in women's shelters.  They're happy if they can get through a day without anyone being mean to them, either at a shelter or anywhere else.  Unfortunately, they never have days like that.  

Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of U.S. Senators:

List of Representatives:

If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

Charlie Puth

Are you going to tell Congress that I'm telling the truth?

You don't have to wear a cape, change in a phone booth, or do anything else that would be inconvenient for you.

Please just tell those people, who can do something about the situation, that I'm telling the truth, that it's not a lie, a delusion or paranoia.

I can't get these websites, or others like them, removed from the Internet; I tried.

I don't know when I'm going to lose the job that I have now.  It's my 6th since 2017.  When I'm working, I feel like it's only a matter of time before someone does a Google search of my name and I'm fired, harassed at work, feared and shunned, or all of those things.  

It probably took this long for a case to be won because most of the targets of online harassment are women.



Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of U.S. Senators:

List of Representatives:

If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Imprisoned for others' crimes

When I was living in the first apartment where I was criminally victimized by voyeurism, I was once horrified to realize that I had inserted two tampons.

That can happen when you have to live in the dark.

Justin Bieber

I'm really tired and all I want to do is sleep.

-I didn't listen to the prayers that you posted.  From what I remember reading a few years ago, I don't dislike Judah Smith as much as some of your other spiritual advisors, although I think that you should talk to some older clergy, male and female, at other churches that are both traditional and nontraditional.  It's helpful to hear a lot of perspectives.  Among the things that I think you should talk to them about is how Christianity has treated women, what has changed and what needs to change.

-Stop lying.  If your relationship can't live without lies, you're going to have a lot of problems.

-Rename the cats.  You should also think about whether or not you really want to have pets.  They are totally dependent; they can't even request what they need, which is to be loved and cared for. Cats can live to be old.  If you don't think that you can be what they need, then you should give them to people who take that responsibility seriously.  You should also consider that if your marriage doesn't work out, one of you will have to take both of them or give both of them away.

-I gave you and Hailey Bieber a very rough time for the first year of your marriage.  I can't say that you didn't deserve it.  You should have done something about the hidden, illegal cameras that are criminally victimizing people throughout the Boston area.  You should do something about it now.  However, she has really tried and I can understand that, the way that I could understand her forlornly waiting in the church where you dropped her off when you were first dating a few years ago and where you left her while you slept around and sometimes even brought your new girlfriends to the same church.  You're such a jerk.

-You both need to try to stop being so materialistic.  You should think and talk about the part that money plays in your relationship.  I'm not saying that you need to pretend to be poor or even that you should pretend not to be rich.  I just think that you should recognize that money is an ongoing part of what adults need to think about, whether they're rich or not.  There is a lot to think about.

-Stop going on vacation every time that you feel uncomfortable.  Deal with it.

I don't know what to say about the wedding that you have again scheduled while you're both freaking out.  If you don't want to cancel it, why don't you just have a party to celebrate the anniversary, if you think you can tolerate being around everyone who is either freaking out with you every day or doesn't know what to think? They'll probably all be nice about it; you know, free food.

Discussion of sexual harassment for hyper-privileged, male and female dummies

Let's take the sexual connotation out of it, since women are so dehumanized to you that you can't understand this discussion with the connotation.

What if you wore a hat and someone decided to talk about it for the rest of your life?  Every time that person talked about you, he or she mentioned the hat.  When you tried to talk about something else, the person responded with a knowing smile and said "How's your hat?" When you talked to other people, the person shouted over your conversations, yelling "The HAT!"

Would that person annoy you?  Would he or she strike you as being even one of these things:








-verbally gifted

-someone whom you'd want to spend time with

-someone whose treatment of you could be explained as the result of liking you

How would you deal with that person? What if everything that you said was responded to the same way, year after year?

What if a group of people treated you that way? How would you feel about them?  How would you feel about your life? Do you think you'd feel hopeful that you could have the life you wanted?

Would you take the hat off? How would you feel about having to do that because those people wouldn't leave you alone about it? Would you like those people a lot?

What if you couldn't take the hat off?  How would you feel?

What if many of the people who shouted "THE HAT" at you everywhere wore the same hat and went out of their way to show it off but were never treated the way that you were treated? How would you feel about them?

Justin Bieber

Stop hacking my phone.

Stop talking about my vagina.

How many times do you have to have the term "sexual harassment" defined for you?

Be married or don't be married.  I am not an option.

Charlie Puth

Why don't you start a television show called "Sitting with the Stars?" 

Also, are you about done hitting on women who already have boyfriends or husbands while you plot your next witless, misogynist scheme to hurt and humiliate people who never did anything to you? 

I did a lot of work on the misogynist dismantling of the Rolling Stone article about a gang rape at UVA, which you obviously never read, preferring to get your information from the rape-friendly idiots with whom you surround yourself.

Some facts:

-Phi Kappa Psi's statement, published in the Washington Post, denying the incident said that there is no rush in late September.  

-The University of Virginia's website about fraternities says that there is a rush in late September for upperclassmen.  

-Jackie's rape was on September 28th (Rolling Stone).

-The person who facilitated the rape, a junior given the pseudonym of "Drew," had been a student at UVA and a member of another fraternity 6 years before he met Jackie.  The Charlottesville Police Department's statement about its investigation gave those facts about Drew, that he'd been at UVA before and a member of a different fraternity 6 years before, with no explanation of why he'd taken time off.  The police statement also said that Drew's financial records "may have been relevant" to Drew having first taken Jackie to dinner on September 28th, and that records in possession of the university "may have been relevant" to the investigation, but that the police department genteelly didn't press the university to divulge them.  

-UVA and other colleges and universities routinely allow rapists either to continue their education without interruption or to take some time off and then return to school.  

-UVA and many other colleges and universities routinely have difficulty with fraternities that don't register their parties.  According to the Charlottesville police statement, even registered parties don't have records. 

-T. Rees Shapiro, the "Education Reporter" at the Washington Post who led the charge against the Rolling Stone article, had no experience that I know of investigating crime.  He graduated from an all-boys', private high school in Virginia and then from Virginia Tech.  His father was a sports reporter at the Washington Post.  The Washington Post had previously been criticized for some misogynist publications, which were forgotten in the midst of the pre-Me-Too-prominence media assault on the Rolling Stone article.   

Speaking of Virginia Tech:

This 13-year-old girl took her Minions blanket to the scene of her murder.  She thought that she was going to meet her boyfriend; that's what he had told her he was.  He and his female friend, another Virginia Tech student, killed her.  That was in 2016, after 6 years of the conglomerate promoting sexual harassment, stalking, rape, the sexual abuse of children and the murder of women.  

-You know how the Charlottesville police investigated Phi Kappa Psi? By sending a written questionnaire to the brothers, which they could answer or not.

I don't want you to think that the violence and lack of accountability of fraternities is limited to how they treat women.  Why don't you read about the hazing injuries and deaths that have continued for decades? 

How do they get away with it?  Money.  Always.  

Please don't "fuck w Jacquees," all right?  YOU CAN SHUT YOUR STUPID, FUCKING MOUTH INSTEAD!  Alternatively, you can confine your moronic attacks to saying more incredibly stupid things about me.  She never asked me to defend her.  

I researched and wrote about the Rolling Stone case for over 2 years.  I read articles about it.  I read statements and court documents.   

There were three lawsuits against Rolling Stone, all based on the incorrect premise that Jackie was lying.  They were only possible because of the prestige of the Washington Post and the corresponding prestige of other journalistic sources who rallied to destroy the reputation of the reporter who wrote the article and of the editors at Rolling Stone.  I thought that it wasn't necessary for Rolling Stone to publish the name of the fraternity or of the university dean who worked with Jackie the most, but that doesn't mean that the story was a lie or badly reported.  The lawsuit by 3 fraternity brothers was the most disgusting of all.  They weren't named in the Rolling Stone article, unless the nicknames that Jackie heard the brothers calling each other on the night that she was raped were their nicknames.  They all said that they didn't know who she was, and she was a first-year student in her first semester, so how would she know their nicknames?  

They identified themselves by their real names, by filing the lawsuit.  You know what that lawsuit was? "We're the ones that she's talking about.  We didn't do it.  Pay us because that nobody bitch with good grades who couldn't afford a school out of state should have kept her mouth shut." 

Jackie's "friend," who enjoyed her efforts to woo him until he had to choose between their friendship and the UVA culture, didn't mention the concert tickets and bus tickets that she bought him for his birthday during any of the interviews that I saw that featured him and her other, former "friends."  If you decide that I'm right about all of this, you don't need to talk about them.  The world is full of cowards.  They're not out of the ordinary.  You can just stop being an asshole.  

Also: why don't you ask Katy Perry about her relationship with Robert Pattinson, which was right after he broke up with Kristen Stewart? Why don't you ask Ms. Stewart why she never bullies Ms. Perry?  Why don't you ask Ms. Perry about all of the other celebrities whom she has flirted or slept with?  Why don't you ask Taylor Swift the same thing, even though Ms. Swift isn't as much of a RAGING WHORE as Ms. Perry? 

Taylor Swift has a different problem, which is that if there's anyone that I'm talking to, she feels that she has to have that person.  Why don't you ask her how her relationship with a Kennedy dissolved? She placed a particularly bad bet that time, although she didn't know it then.  

Consenting adults can do what they want, as far as I'm concerned.  It's when they band together to hypocritically attack someone that there's an issue, especially when their target has his or her human rights violated as the result.  

President Trump

Please don't blame the homeless for pollution.



Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of U.S. Senators:

List of Representatives:

If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

1800 women were secretly filmed in delivery rooms in a California hospital.




So, the hospital didn't want its victims, who paid it to deliver their babies, that they were permanently, criminally victimized, and it went to court to prevent them from knowing.

Is that because the hospital thought those women would be excited and flattered if they knew?

What about the media? Why didn't it explode about this story?  Gosh, why wouldn't the media be outraged and want to warn the public about the prevalence of these crimes?

The CNN article is from April of this year.  Has anyone else who's reading this blog heard about this crime before today?


Yesterday, when I published a screenshot of an ad for a spy camera that had shown up in the middle of Rolling Stone's interview of Taylor Swift, I did not think that I had to explain to anyone who read that page that its presence indicates that voyeurism is now mainstream and should have been addressed by our government a long time ago.  

I also refrained from yet another discussion of the nausea that I feel when I read articles in which celebrities who have participated in these criminal activities and other forms of bullying spend paragraphs talking about how hard life has been for them during all the same years that they've been watching me and all sorts of other people in bathrooms.  

President Obama should have done something about stopping these crimes.  He was not the leader or the role model that he should have been.  It's not accurate to say that the dominant media was complicit in promoting crime during most of his Presidency; the dominant media was the driving force of that crime promotion, intimidating him and every other politician into silence at the least.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Why doesn't the Democratic Party prioritize electing a female President?

I think that the Democratic primary voters are reflecting what the media has told them.  The media is chauvinist.

Also, is it possible that the media was embarrassed by having inaccurately predicted that Secretary Clinton was going to win, and that, rather than consider its failure to understand the public, has instead insisted that she didn't win because a woman can't win? 

How did we get from "Secretary Clinton is guaranteed to win" to "Who can beat President Trump?" The media is so chauvinist that it simultaneously demonizes and deifies a male President, to make him seem all-powerful, rather than to concede that the media didn't know what it was talking about when it said that he was going to lose in 2016.  

In 2008, a black President was overdue by a few hundred years.  A female President is similarly overdue.  

Bullied about food

When I left the shelter a few weeks ago, I weighed 20 pounds more than I did when I went there at the beginning of the summer in 2017.  I needed the first 10 pounds; I looked like I was dying.  People had started to ask me if I was all right, which obviously I wasn't.

There is nothing that the people who have criminally invaded my privacy for so many years won't bully me about.  One of the things that they have always bullied me about is the food that they have seen me eating in the apartments where I've been criminally victimized by hidden, illegal cameras.

There was a time of about 3 days, in my last apartment, during which I didn't eat.  It was too stressful; I stopped being hungry.

It really doesn't matter to them what I experience because of their behavior toward me.  It never has.  It never will.

Charlie Puth

No dance lessons.

Is that what you're saying?

You think you need to spend more time writing songs about luring teenage girls out of their homes, or maybe writing music for Katy Perry, whose conscience about bullying an elderly nun to death is apparently as clear as her skin?


This is what she's Tweeting about, isn't it, this pimple on my face that she saw when she hacked my phone today?

You have read about the nun, haven't you?  No?

Ad for a spy camera

Senator Warren

Hidden, illegal cameras.

Criminally victimizing people in Massachusetts every day.

I'm not making this up.

President Trump

Justice Kavanaugh lied under oath.

Also, I haven't heard about a lot of Democrats saying that they want to take everybody's guns away.  Is there someone who has had the courage to say that?  If so, I support it.  

Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth, please DM everyone in Congress.

Please say that it's true that there are hidden, illegal cameras in locker rooms, restrooms, showers, and everywhere else that my and other people's privacy is being criminally violated throughout the Boston area.

If you know the specific locations where these crimes are being perpetrated, please include the names and addresses of those places.

List of U.S. Senators:

List of Representatives:

If you are unable to contact them by Twitter, please contact them in some other way.  Please stop this sickening, hateful, human rights disaster.

If the White House starts attacking homeless people

We're used to it.  What else is new?

The White House will get away with it.  The media doesn't report a lot about homelessness, and even if the media does report about it, we are such a hated segment of the population and so much less cute than migrant children that the White House can probably set attack dogs on us, tear gas us and send the police in with batons swinging, even guns firing.

There won't be a public outcry.  We're used to that, too.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why are human rights falling apart?

Shouldn't things have improved on a global scale over the past few decades? It seems to me that they haven't, and that human rights issues are actually getting worse.


I hate that guy.



No, Justice Kavanaugh lied under oath.

It is awful.  

He should have withdrawn.  I don't know why he didn't.  

I'll say this again: it's awful.  Awful for him, awful for everyone, but he lied about it, and you can't do that.  

Building slums won't solve homelessness.


That's a quote from page 11 of the Council of Economic Advisors' 2019 report on "The State of Homelessness in America."

There are "maximum-density allowances" for a reason.

"Energy and water efficiency mandates" are probably what kept my utility bills low enough for me to pay them all year without financial assistance in my last apartment, so to say they are a cause of homelessness seems inaccurate to me.

I have never lived in a rent-controlled apartment, but I am unsure as to why eliminating rent control where it still prevents landlords from evicting tenants would be helpful.  

I'm in the process of reading the report, and am getting an unpleasant feeling also about what it has to say about homeless shelters.  The main problem with homeless shelters is that they are badly administered and have a lot of stupid, lazy people working at them.  Homeless shelters don't cause homelessness, which is sort've how the report is reading to me so far.  

Most homeless people hate being homeless and hate living in homeless shelters.  Nobody needs to defund homeless shelters or try to make them more miserable places than they already are.  What most people living in shelters feel all the time is devastating despair about ever getting out.  You're not thinking "I like it here." You're thinking "I don't know how I'm ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going to get out of here.  This is the most hopeless place I have ever been in my life."  That is how homeless shelters make people feel; never believe their public relations lies.  Homeless shelters need to be modernized; they do not need to be defunded.  

Having known a lot of homeless people, I can say without reservation that the first root cause of homelessness is a public education system that has never had the funding or standards that it needs to ensure an educated, self-sufficient public.  After that are the inadequacies of the mental health care system and the correctional system, which also need major reform.  After that are drugs and alcohol.  People who know how to live happier lives don't tend to turn to drugs and alcohol as much as people who don't.  By the way, alcoholism seems to be as much a factor in homelessness as ever.  That shouldn't be forgotten in the midst of discussions of opioids.  

All of the above is not to mention sexual and domestic violence both in childhood and adulthood, which are underlying causes of trauma from which people frequently don't recover because the systems I have just mentioned are so bad.  

Loss and grief are also frequent precipitating factors in spirals toward homelessness.  The primary losses that people can't cope with are of children, parents and life partners.  Nobody thinks of homeless people as being sad; as far as society is concerned, we're all just mentally ill.  Loss and grief counseling should be a priority in every homeless shelter and other homeless setting, and it never is.

As far as what to do with or for the half-million Americans who are already homeless; I already talked about that a little bit earlier today.  Why don't you ask them, one at a time?  Most people know what happened to them, and what would help.  You'd be surprised at how listening and doing what they ask would yield positive results.  Anyone who has never been homeless (and nobody who has) would also be surprised at how few good listeners and helpers the systems which are supposed to listen and help really have.