Are there any more of Justin Bieber's girlfriends whom you'd like to hit on, before, during or after their weddings to him or other people?
I'm sure that I'm not the only person who has misgivings about the impending nuptials of Justin and Hailey Bieber. Even people who don't know that he hasn't stopped hitting on me for the year that they've been married and who don't know that she's hitting on you even while the wedding entourage is preventing guests at their hotel from using the hotel's facilities so that the stars and their friends can have exclusive access to them have misgivings about their marriage. I suppose it doesn't matter that much unless they start having children, continuing the sad, meaningless cycles into the next generation. When you have as much money as Justin Bieber has, nothing really matters after a while.
My question is why I'm still being slut-shamed and treated as if I deserve to be filmed in the bathroom and ridiculed by vicious, ignorant, greedy, selfish, HYPOCRITES.
I have said before that the opinion of disgusting people is worthless. It's when they're stomping on my rights that there's an issue. That is also how everyone else who's being criminally violated every day is going to feel about it, when the public knows, regardless of what the conglomerate is able to make anyone think about me.