You'll never miss me. There's nothing you could get from dating me that you couldn't get from someone else. Maybe you could stop thinking about me as being confined between two extremes that are entirely defined by gender. I don't know if you realize that your positive and negative responses to what I say are always sexually defined: you are attractive, you are not attractive. I think that's because the entertainment industry defines all women according to those parameters, and it's how a lot of women who are part of that industry think about themselves. Although that can be expected from an industry which sells what people look like and where people are treated as if it is their job to be sexually attractive, the men have the liberty to transcend that side of their image and the women don't. I took it for granted not only that I would be perceived as a person, but that I was perceived as a person, and that all I had to do was try to understand and be understood. It was losing my last apartment that finally made me realize how wrong I was about that, that made me realize that I was entirely defined to all of my abusers as a body that was desired or undesired, an object of envy or not, and that no value was placed on my autonomy or even whether I lived or died.
I'm glad that I had the DM idea. I hope that people follow through with it. AT NO TIME EVER have I wanted to be filmed with hidden, illegal cameras, and it is horrifying that these crimes have now proliferated so that hundreds, maybe thousands, of unsuspecting people are being criminally victimized in Massachusetts every day.
You probably have a lot of fans who haven't heard of James Taylor. Even if they all have, you should credit the quote.
This is so gross:
I bypass it when I read your Twitter.
The song, the video, that production; I am not a fan.