I don't know why you felt that President Trump's love life was relevant to your situation, or why you thought you should characterize him. He is of a generation whose concept of male success not only allows for but in some ways demands that men "conquer" a lot of women. I'm not excusing him; there have always been men who didn't act that way, but you have no right to say what he has felt or hasn't felt for women whom he has known or, for that matter, to imply something very negative about the First Lady. It may be that she likes being married to a wealthy person; there are other wealthy people whom she could have married, and they've been married for quite a while. His marriage to Ivana Trump was also long-term. His shortest marriage, to Marla Maples, was for 6 years.
President Trump is far more adept at having a long-term relationship than I ever was. Even before the conglomerate decimated my ability to have a social life, I couldn't even develop short-term relationships. The conglomerate has used my past years of desperation to enhance its image of me as a freak, but it's an understatement to say that I was never able to put a ring on anything. My appreciation of what I have to offer in a relationship, which has protected me during all of these years of being treated so miserably, was hard-won.
I don't like the thought of dating someone who has a lot of money when I don't because I have had other life situations that have made me wary of (read "dead set against") power gaps in my closest relationships, whether or not they're dating relationships. It's not the path that I would have taken, but it doesn't mean that he didn't love his wives or is incapable of normal, human emotion. I don't know if you have noticed that his adult children seem genuinely loyal. I have, and years before President Trump ran for office, I was impressed by an interview in which Ivanka Trump was intelligent, well-spoken, poised and nothing like what I would have expected from the little that I knew of the Trumps.
Mr. Snowden, you're not really one to talk about fidelity, at least not emotional fidelity.
I also don't know why you chose to be interviewed by Brian Williams, of all people.