Thursday, September 12, 2019

Here's your Vice President, Senator Warren.

I'm going to call her Ms. Rice because she has too many titles for me to keep track of.

This is why I think she should be your running mate:

-Foreign policy experience.  I think that's the most important thing for your Vice President to have.

-While the U.S. is probably ready to elect a female President, I have my doubts that it's ready to elect a female President who is going to be the direct superior to a male Vice President.  You can call it an optics problem; you can call it whatever you want.  If you want people asking him the questions when you're both sitting there, or closely watching his reaction to everything that you say to see if he approves, then don't take my advice.

-You need a black running mate to secure the black vote.  There are going to be people who resent it if Senator Harris doesn't win the nomination.  As far as I'm concerned, California is one of the world's most evil places, and I can't support her candidacy for President or Vice President.  I don't hate her; I just think that there have to have been compromises and people to whom she is beholden along the path of her political career, and that having her in the White House, owing those people, would be bad for the country.  

Ms. Rice doesn't mince words; I noticed that about her several years ago.  It's probably not my place to criticize that characteristic, although I know it can be problematic.  I also think that characteristic would make you a good team.  

I wish that she'd be more respectful of President Trump.  I try to be respectful of him; he's the President, even though he does a lot less to defend human rights than I think he should do.

A lot of both black and white athletes are sons of bitches.  The United States isn't the only country whose professional sports have domestic and sexual violence problems.  That's something which President Obama could have confronted; he could have changed the world.  

I know that she worked for President Obama, but she's much smarter than Vice President Biden.  She's also not the image of the Obama Presidency, and he is.