I have lost 2 or 3 pounds in the week that I have been living in my apartment.
You can probably see the number on the scale if you zoom in over my shoulder in the illegal video that's being continuously filmed in the locker room of the gym. It's a Boston Sports Club gym, as you know. How many Boston Sports Club locations have hidden, illegal cameras in the locker rooms?
There were also hidden, illegal cameras in the locker rooms when I was at the YMCA in 2014.
This happens to me everywhere, so I don't know if I should change gyms again or not. Do you think I should stop having a gym membership? Which do you feel is the priority, working out or eliminating one of the settings in which I am criminally violated by voyeurism and involuntary pornography? I'm asking because you seem to have an opinion about my decisions, and you have consistently shown that you want me to know about that opinion and its updates.
You know what I say before I step on the scales in the Boston Sports Clubs gyms? I say, "Scale, scale, what's the unfairest thing of all?" No, I don't say that. I don't think that even a magic scale could answer that question.