Thursday, September 5, 2019

Justin Bieber

Eventually, the millions of people who already know who I am, regardless of what they end up thinking about me, are going to know that I'm telling the truth.

Do you want them to know that you have promoted sexual abuse? 

I don't know if you realize how much the average person hates pedophiles.  You probably don't, since your industry is full of them.  

People hate pedophiles because sexually abusing children is a REALLY BAD THING TO DO.  

Sexually abusing anyone is a really bad thing to do, but most people agree that sexually abusing children is the worst sexual abuse.  

When the public knows about it, there are going to be people who want to kill you.  You will receive death threats.  They won't be like other threats, even death threats, that you have had.  Maybe you think you know what public hatred is like, but you don't.

Also, you seem to be trying to date/be married to a virtual/reality composite of me and Hailey Bieber.  You're going to have to relinquish that composite.  I am NOT INTERESTED in dating or marrying you.  You'll have to make the decision about your marriage independently of the idea that dating or marrying me is an option.  

Please be nice to each other while you're figuring it out.  

I approve of this, if you know that the products work.  You could have said it some other way.