Why don't you write an article or a statement about the Second Amendment and publish it, either in a newspaper or through another appropriate medium?
I am tired of these things:
-Your Tweets about it.
-People calling you stupid.
I don't think that civilians need guns. If you do, I think that it would be interesting and more dignified for you to give your opinion in a more considered and thoughtful format.
I don't mind you having a Twitter account; I think it's useful for politicians to have social media. However, the issue of the Second Amendment is recurrent and volatile, so I think you should address it more formally.
If Senator Warren turns out to be the Democrats' candidate, then she'll be formidable. I'm sure that she has had many students and colleagues who relied on native intelligence and charisma more than study and scholarship. You should be prepared not only with facts but with having read, thought and written, over this year, about the issues that you and she prioritize.
You should want to have the smartest opponent.