Monday, October 7, 2019

Why didn't the Democrats stop the conglomerate's crime promotion when Barack Obama was President?

The Democratic Party is still in denial about what happened from 2010 to 2017.  

Me Too is the only thing that made the conglomerate back off from its misogynist villification of me at all, which the conglomerate used to systematically break down decades of women's gains in society.  

At the beginning of the Me Too prominence, some of the people, male and female, who had mirthfully participated in sexually harassing and victim-blaming me were worried that they might be taken to task about the voyeurism that has criminally victimized me and what are probably now thousands of other people in Massachusetts.  They stopped worrying: NOT ONE PERSON WHO KNOWS THAT I'M TELLING THE TRUTH HAS TOLD ANYONE WHO COULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  

Talk about collusion.  

Technically, I care if the Russian government interfered in the U.S. election process.  I also never endorsed a Republican Presidential candidate.  Practically?  Anything and anyone who could keep flocks of corrupt celebrities from infiltrating the White House, with all of their HYPOCRITICAL PREENING and their collective billions of social media followers around the world, elicit a shrug from me.  The world needed Secretary Clinton to lose, I'm sorry to say.  

I won't have my concerns about Syria turned into a political tool.  If the media had done what the media is supposed to do from 2010 to 2017, reporting about world events every day instead of perverting its front pages and television broadcasts into vagina jokes and promotion of child abuse and other crime, and if the media had spent a fraction of the time it has spent talking about the Trump administration instead talking about Syria and other tragedies provoked by dictators, the American people would have demanded that we help the Syrians take control of their country away from its murderous dictator and would have demanded that we help other populations in similar need.  

Is President Putin at fault? Of course, but a lot of people read him wrong.  He does what is expedient.  If the morality of the world's power structure hadn't imploded in 2010, and he hadn't shrewdly ascertained that the West was so preoccupied with its enjoyment of its own stupidity that it was neglecting everything else, he probably wouldn't have invaded Crimea or Syria.  He has a game plan which he changes according to what he thinks will succeed.  

Do I think that the legacy of the first black U.S. President should be protected?  Yes, but not to the extent of Vice President Biden being the next Democratic nominee.  

President Trump was elated to be elected.  Anyone who had approached him respectfully during the entire first year of his Presidency could have had a hearing from him.  If I hadn't been so mentally battered from the years of conglomerate abuse, I could have achieved more consistently helpful "conversations" with him.  Also, everyone who exploited those "conversations" to excuse doing nothing about that abuse of me and other people can take a hike.  I have maintained my distance from this White House; for a while, President Trump probably would have offered me a job, which would have solved my housing problem.  I maintain my distance from politics so that I can be as objective about them and independent of their fluctuations as possible.  

There.  That's my Dumb, Naked Blonde talk for tonight.