Setting aside every other consideration of why sexual harassment, voyeurism and involuntary pornography are offensive regardless of who the targets are, have you ever said these things to your husband?
"Your sexual harassment and other behavior toward Lena are offensive to me. Why do you display an obsessive and degrading interest in having sex with her when you are in a committed relationship with me? She is not the only person who is degraded by your behavior toward her; I am degraded, also, because you are treating me as if I am a servant whose job it is to have sex with you rather than an equal partner whose life, time and feelings are as important as yours."
Have you said those things, or have you felt that you couldn't say them? Has it even occurred to you to say them? Has anyone from your industry suggested that you say them? Do you have any idea that, outside the toxic, intellectually stunted, virulently misogynist, myopic, smug stupidity of your industry, your husband's behavior toward me would have been identified a long time ago as abnormal and outrageous and a serious problem for your marriage? HIS behavior is the problem.
Do you understand that his obsession is not about me, that it was always about him, competing with every other chauvinist who has degraded and persecuted me for rejected them and for rejecting the entertainment industry's archaic, perverted, abusive definitions of what women are supposed to be like?
If you and the other female slaves of that industry want your boyfriends and husbands to stop watching other women in places where the victims of these crimes have the reasonable expectation of privacy, why don't you stop blaming and being indifferent toward the victims and tell Congress the truth? Allowing your fear to prevent you from confronting criminal chauvinism has not made those men faithful.
While you're at it, why don't you ask Congress to pass tougher laws against the hacking of phones, computers, email, social media, bank accounts and every other type of electronic communication and footprint? You can't be enjoying thinking about the tabloids hacking all of the above for information about what you and your husband are saying to each other and if he's shopping online for apology gifts.