The underwear that I put on the towel rack with my clothes in the bathroom before I turn off the light so that I can change in the dark in my own home has nothing to do with anything other than what's available at TJ Maxx or Marshalls when I'm buying underwear.
If you and everyone like you wanted to understand what I have said for years about the CRIMES in which you are vicious, victim-blaming participants, you could. You don't want to believe that you're involved in a disgusting crime that's hurting thousands of innocent, unsuspecting people, so you don't.
You don't want to believe that you're manipulative and dishonest, so you make yourselves believe that I am manipulative and dishonest.
There are hidden, illegal cameras in my apartment, the 3rd apartment in a row where this has happened to me. You already know that I can't confront anyone about it or I'll be evicted, because you saw that happen in my last apartment. You know that there are hidden, illegal cameras in the locker rooms of Boston Sports Clubs and at the Pine Street Inn shelter. Those are the FACTS. Like all hyperprivileged criminals, you feel that your interpretations of the facts of your crimes are more worthy of consideration than the rights of your victims. It is appalling how many people are part of these crimes.
You're not going to make your crimes my fault by saying that they are, no matter how many vicious, disgusting songs you write about me deflecting all of your responsibility and sympathizing with other spoiled, lying abusers who are doing the same things.
Call your show business lawyer, the type of lawyer whom I don't have the money to hire. Tell him or her the FACTS; you can even tell him or her your interpretations of the FACTS, all the things you tell yourself that make you feel like you're not doing something wrong. I don't think a lawyer is going to say that no crime is being committed. He or she will probably tell you how to continue to avoid responibility for it, but cannot say that it's not a crime.
It's a crime.