Monday, February 3, 2020

If I were a boy, and you were my role model, I'd want to be a girl, too.

Seriously, there's no reason for transgender people to be bullied.  However, I think identifying people as being of another gender when they're children is concerning.  

I think that if gender roles weren't so stereotyped and confining in the United States, and if gender reassignment weren't a potential growth industry for the medical field, people wouldn't be labeling aggressive girls and thoughtful boys as being in the wrong bodies.

Despite all of the difficulties that life has brought me, I have never wanted to be male, nor have I ever thought I was in the wrong body.  That hasn't stopped people from labeling me every negative or untrue thing there is to call someone.  

Fortunately, although the M&E industry's obsession with standardizing appearance briefly made me think that I might "need" breast implants when I was about 23, I forgot all about it.  Unfortunately, the rest of the country hasn't.

From Google:

Why are American women at the most beautiful age also the most vulnerable to thinking that they need to be surgically altered?  Why are they hearing "You need bigger boobs" instead of "Be smart?"

Once again, a male heckler is given credence over his female target.  Not only isn't he criticized for attacking her, he is gaining stature for it.  

