Thursday, February 13, 2020

President Trump, you're just passing through.

The White House was there before you and it will be there after you, even if you are elected for a 2nd term.

You know that I'm telling the truth about the voyeurism and involuntary pornography that have criminally victimized what are now thousands of people.  You taunted me about having my period when being homeless made it difficult for me to prevent my underwear from being stained with blood, and you saw the stains from illegal video.  You frequently Tweeted about your participation in these crimes while I was homeless.  You're also watching me in my apartment; you Tweeted about the height of my breasts.  You can't accuse me of lying or of being impatient about the schedule for your feminist epiphany.  

There are livestock raised for food who are treated more humanely than I have been treated for a decade.

What I've been thinking about over the past week or so, since you have continued to signal your hatred of me, is what Stormy Daniels said about being approached by someone who warned her not to talk about you and threatened her child.  

You can't shut me up with threats, you know.  If I were afraid to die, I wouldn't have started protesting against the conglomerate in the first place.  I accepted the probability of a violent death a long time ago, somewhere around 2012.  I worry more about my quality of life, which is relentlessly terrible.  You'd almost be doing me a favor.  I think about killing myself all the time anyway, not only because of the permanent, voyeuristic injuries inflicted on me for the amusement of the idle rich and their entourage but also because of what a decade of incomprehensible cruelty has shown me about what people who have no restrictions on their behavior have chosen to be like and what that says about human nature.  The world is evil.  I didn't believe that before 2010, but now I do.   

It's not fair that the fate of a country, such as Syria, could be contingent on your discrediting me for speaking out about your corruption.