Friday, February 14, 2020

That's Justin Bieber pretending to be me in the shower, and Charlie Puth knows it.

Mr. Bieber thinks that turning the picture red makes the repeated, criminal violations of privacy not as bad.

They know that I'm telling the truth.  They are used to committing crimes with no consequences.

Mr. Puth is very easy to impress.  Having no integrity, he is impressed by money and power, no matter how they are gained, and he is contemptuous of people who are injured by the abuse of money and power.  That's obviously what it takes to be successful in the entertainment industry; they're all like that, every last one of them.  If they weren't, Congress would have received corroboration that I'm telling the truth.

Has even one person tried to have these crimes stopped?  So many people are being hurt every day, and these pathetic bloodsuckers exploiting humanity, lying to everyone, manipulating people's emotions to take cash from their wallets, they couldn't care less.  

I don't work hard.  Apparently, that's what Mr. Puth thinks.  If you're not rich, it means that you haven't worked as hard as people who are rich.  I haven't worked hard enough to deserve to have privacy from people 20 years younger than I am, whether I'm homeless or in my own home.  If I'm poor and harmed every day by rich people, it's because I deserve it.   If that's not what he thinks, he's been doing a good imitation of thinking it for the 4 years that he has hacked my phone and illegally watched me in two apartments and in homeless shelter and gym locker rooms in addition to being inducted into the conglomerate club by being shown the first years of illegally filmed video of me and told EVERY REGURGITATED, EMBELLISHED LIE ABOUT ME THAT THE CONGLOMERATE HAS TOLD FOR A DECADE TO EXCUSE AND CONTINUE ITS VICIOUS, MINDLESS, DISGUSTING, ILLEGAL ABUSE OF ME AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN VIOLATED WHILE THE HYPERPRIVILEGED CRIMINALS LAUGH ABOUT IT AND MAKE MONEY OFF THE UNSUSPECTING, "LAZIER-THAN-MULTIMILLIONAIRES" PUBLIC.