I'm not going to date or marry you or have children with you. It is a sign of the grotesque ignorance of the industry which has made you rich that a decade of attempted education about feminist issues has failed to such an extent that you think posting pictures of antelope butts is a charming offer.
I don't believe in fate. However, if it was fate for you to think that I'd be your final conquest, it was no less fate for me to reject you and everyone who thinks the way that you do.
Now a decade has passed. A teenager who was a child when forces coalesced with the specific intent to destroy all gains for women established over the last century is being subjected to misogynist attacks. Why haven't you condemned those attacks? Everyone should condemn those attacks, from those who have supported her quest for environmental stability to those who disagree with her.
Threats of sexual violence are never the appropriate response. Those threats need to stop being normalized, and they won't stop until they are confronted by enough people for enough years that they turn into shocking events of the past.