Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The error of my ways

It's not that Justin Bieber and everyone whom he knows have sexually harassed me every day for a decade.  It's not that they're all part of a conspiracy of silence about voyeurism that has criminally victimized me and countless other people who have no idea that their privacy has been violated.  It's not that I spent hours, days of my life caring and trying to provide guidance to people who are too comfortable to be troubled about fundamentals of right and wrong, and who have never had a material reason to question authority.

I'm too mean.  That's what the problem is.  That's also why I'm alone all the time; people hacking my phone, my email, my bank account, even my food stamps card when I was using that, and hidden, illegal cameras everywhere I have tried to live, and my not wanting to expose innocent people to the conglomerate, have nothing to do with my years of isolation even before the coronavirus.  I'm just not nice enough to celebrities.  If I want them to stop abusing me and other people, I should be more consistently nice when I'm asking for that help.  

I also have no business asking why Mr. Bieber's spiritual advisors have no concern about crimes inflicted on the public.  How dare I say that they don't confront Mr. Bieber and other celebrity spokespeople about their unscrupulous behavior because those spokespeople bring in fans and donations? 

I need to learn to be less judgmental.  Then I'll be happier and that will make me cuter, and if you're female and you need to ask for something you really should try to be as cute as possible.  

Thanks for enlightening me! I don't know why I didn't think of that before.  

And there's no double standard for how the conglomerate treats me.  I definitely deserve the decade of slut-shaming.  I'm such a hypocrite.  I'm such a liar.

Yes, we all celebrate Earth Day in our own special way.

Some of us, such as me, have always been too poor to have a car, even a used car.  I know, I know, if you can't pay for a car it doesn't really make you an environmentalist that you walk or take public transportation everywhere.  Being poor also has nothing to do with my inability to stop being criminally victimized by voyeurism.  If I would accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, things would be better for me, because obviously none of the other people filmed by hidden, illegal cameras while the Biebers and the rest of the conglomerate sit there and laugh are Christians, either.  

All right, maybe some of them are Christians because most people in the United States are some type of Christian if they have a religion.  But obviously none of the people victimized by voyeurism who think they're Christians can be really good Christians.  If you're a really good Christian, you have a lot of money and things like being filmed in the bathroom without your knowledge or consent don't happen to you, because you would sue the shit out of anyone who did that to you and you'd put them in jail, and everyone knows it.