Is that why nobody has corroborated or tried to stop the voyeurism in all this time, in a decade?
Everyone sits there and laughs. So many people know, hundreds of people know that I'm telling the truth.
All of them, apparently, have decided for all of these years to think that I enjoy being the victim of these disgusting crimes, and they haven't decided that because I have said anything other than that I hate it. It's because nobody wants to leave a paper trail; nobody wants to be implicated.
When I say that I'm not believed but that anyone who knows that I'm telling the truth and who corroborates it will be believed, they all know that in fact they would be believed. They don't want anyone to know that they did this. Nobody has a problem with my being ridiculed and slut-shamed every day for a decade; everyone has a problem with the idea of his or her name being implicated in the scandal that this really is.
Is that it?
That's also why people who know that I'm telling the truth keep offering to date me while they ignore all of my requests that they corroborate that I'm telling the truth. They have already spent years proving that they don't care if I live or die, if I'm sobbing or angry or too depressed to move. They just want me to say that what they're doing isn't that bad.
Even if I kill myself, that would make things easier for them. Suicide is dramatic, for one thing, and they all love drama. Probably the novelty of voyeurism on a mass scale is wearing off for them anyway. If I kill myself, it would give them something to write guilty songs, movies, television shows, news stories and so on about. Then they'd have their catharsis, but perhaps even more importantly, the only person who's talking about it would be dead.