Especially when he's running for President and you're ambitious.
She was AT the Kavanaugh hearings. She was visible on the television while testimony was being given. She practically had a front-row seat, and that was probably deliberate.
What was she doing there? What were her credentials for an invitation to those hearings?
Also, most of the media hasn't investigated. Of the media sources that have investigated, there have been several shocking instances of changing the representation of facts and even suppressing corroboration to make Ms. Reade seem less credible.
The media's failure to investigate, its silence and its bias, comprise a major part of this scandal. Is this also how the media treats other, nonsexual, misconduct allegations against prominent people and organizations? The media decides who is punished and who isn't, whose reputation is ruined and whose remains intact, decides for the public what the public ought to think and then doesn't tell the public what might prevent the result that the media wants?
I think the way these allegations are being ignored and minimized is doing more damage to the Democratic Party than honest, fair, unbiased investigation, reporting and discussion would. Maybe there are enough people who want a Democrat to win that it won't cost the Democratic Party the White House. However, there's winning because people want to vote for you and there's winning because they feel they have no choice.