Saturday, May 2, 2020


I have had a lot of violent threats made toward me online, including death threats.  They scared me at first, and to be famous is definitely an increased risk factor no matter who you are.  

I reported the most violent ones to whichever online platform they were writing from, and that usually resulted in their accounts being at least temporarily suspended.

After a while, I started making fun of some of them.  They don't always have the best grammar or spelling, for one thing.  Now I don't think about them that often.  I did, however, stay homeless for as long as it took to rent an apartment that had as many safety features as possible.  Where I live now can't be broken into from the outside; that would be impossible.  

To actually hit or kill someone means jail.  It's not as if nobody would know about it.

Also, now they know that all they have to do is threaten you and they'll win.