-Vice President Biden was taped before surgery?
-Does someone have the tape?
-Is Ms. Singman sure that the schedule she was sent is authentic and describes events precisely as they occurred?
-Does "Regrets" mean that attendance at all events is cancelled except for those that have the name of an aide next to them, or does it mean that Vice President Biden will attend all events except for those that have the name of an aide next to them? Was Vice President Biden actually out for the entire week?
-Many of the events are scheduled in Wilmington, where the spokesperson said his home is. If he was feeling better by Saturday, is it possible that he attended some events?
-Has anyone gone through all of the scheduled events to look for any public record of attendance by Vice President Biden?
-This allegation was first made on April 8, 2020. If the documents are forged and the defense isn't true, they have had time to put it together.
-How far in advance was the surgery scheduled? Is it maybe strange that so many events were scheduled if he definitely wasn't going to be able to attend any of them?
-There were 2 evening events scheduled for 6 p.m. The Gridiron Dinner had 3 parts: cocktails at 6, dinner at 7 and the program at 8. Is it possible that John was there for cocktails and that Vice President Biden was in attendance for some part of the evening, and that 2 aides were scheduled in advance to attend separate events with the same starting time so that some attendance by someone was guaranteed for both events in case Vice President Biden couldn't be at one of them at all?
-If Vice President Biden didn't attend any of the listed events, then why doesn't each of them have an aide next to it? If he did attend some of them, then that means that he wasn't actually out of work and incapacitated, recuperating at home, for the rest of the week after his minor surgery. It means he attended fewer events, but not that he didn't attend any.