-Ms. Reade was friendly and outgoing among a bunch of snobs. Their temperature toward her was and is sub-zero, but their snobbishness has been used against Ms. Reade by the New York Times to portray her in three sentences as simultaneously needy and a loner.
-Then-Senator Biden saw that she was poor and had no friends or allies in the office. Through his office madam, he offered her a path to advancement based on her looks: no Ivy League degree or prep school diploma means serving drinks. When she declined to be a Playboy Bunny, he knew that she wouldn't be seduced. He didn't like that she had rejected his offer to exploit her the nice way, or maybe he did.
-"Nearly two dozen former aides" don't remember seeing Mr. Biden trying to groom Ms. Reade? That's nothing. HUNDREDS of people don't know anything about what's been happening to me and other victims in the Boston area for almost a decade, during five years of which Vice President Biden was in office, 2011-2016.