Thank you.
You helped me, and I think you're helping other people, too.
It's now clear that there isn't one person in charge of anything in the United States who has fundamental decency.
It seems to be true that the more people have, the greedier they are. The more power they have, the more power they want. The less it would hurt them personally to do what's right, the less inclined they are to do it.
Maybe it's just these people. Maybe it's the United States. Who knows what it is?
At the end of the day, they can't tell the truth, while those whom they betray and minimize are in danger all the time for being honest.
I use the word "victimized" because I'm victimized. It's not because I enjoy being a victim. I don't know how so many people can live their lives parallel to the crimes that they're committing or that they know about and aren't stopping, while they really seem to believe in their own superiority.
As angry as I am, and as frightened as I am about what it's going to be like when these people have lied, excused and schmoozed their way back into power, I have some peace in my life because you told the truth.