That's been the script for millenia; women whose lives are ruined in the world's leering, jeering, cheering Colosseums are expected to kill themselves. I haven't, so far, because I have always known that I don't deserve to feel ashamed for being victimized. The perpetrators deserve to feel ashamed.
It is, however, depressing to realize that as soon as one form of misogyny subsides or, worse, is normalized, another is about to take over.
It's one thing to be physically and socially humiliated and psychologically abused; it's another to be muzzled.
That is what is really driving the "Karen"-profiling. I wish that women who are stupidly promoting that profiling would understand and stop.
Probably, nobody should be intimidated by my discussions of suicide. I am having a really bad week, stopped swearing entirely today, I think, and please, who is going to blame me for killing myself someday? What you fucking people have done to me.