I am not sure why Geico is single-mindedly pursuing vicious attacks on me. My assumption is that as Vice President Biden moves forward in spite of the allegations against him, all of the people who have spent 4 years gnashing their teeth at my online discussions with President Trump and their lack of political access during that time are gearing up to be as vicious as they can think of being if Vice President Biden wins.
However, Geico wasn't really part of all of that, as far as I know. I have the feeling that a new person, a new group of people or a new agency is doing these ads and, for some reason, is hyperfocused on bullying me. The reputation for evil which the conglomerate has forced on me for a decade and counting to excuse its crimes against me and the public seems to be preceding me.
Last week, I went at least 48 hours without eating more than one, small meal. It wasn't difficult to do. I have been struggling for quite a while with a mistrust and hatred of humanity, and subsequent loss of interest in life, that the conglomerate's organized gang stalking, harassment and other abuse have caused me to feel. I dropped to around 122 pounds, so about 3 pounds in 2 days. I started eating again after that, but I have been through this before, in my last apartment. As I'm aging and my metabolism is slowing down anyway, my attention is being forced again and again to my body, about which the conglomerate has obsessed, because I am an outspoken woman, for a decade and counting.
Geico's ad is also giving support to Justin Bieber in his ongoing denial of and refusal to take responsibility for the sexual assault allegations against him, which the media is ignoring or denying rather than investigating.
Although I'm not starving myself now, I am both depressed and overwhelmed.
When the Democratic Party and the media were talking about women's rights, it seemed to me that I was freer to discuss other world issues, because people in power seemed to be following up on what I had been talking about since 2010. Now 2010 is being repeated out where everyone can witness it, and it is impossible not to conclude that the way that the Democratic Party and the media address sexual misconduct is as a political weapon or a issue to be dismissed according to what is expedient.
As for food; nobody really needs to be concerned about whether or not I'll eat. Neither my temperament nor my appetite is built for anorexia. That doesn't mean that Geico needs to continue its rabid pursuit of trying to degrade and humiliate me, especially while it supports wealthy sex offenders who wage $20 million lawsuits against their victims for talking about assault.