Saturday, August 8, 2020

Please lose.





Lady Gaga promoted child molestation for years.

Not only have she and Ariana Grande promoted the voyeurism that has criminally victimized the public for almost a decade, they have conflated the conglomerate's sexual harassment about vaginal fluid with my attempts to gain emotional support from RAINN, which they and everyone else who hacks my phone have invaded for months.  The sexual harassment preceded the illegal surveillance of homeless people in bathrooms by a year.  I was targeted, and everyone in the places where I had to live was victimized as a result.  I am normal.  I have a normal body.  There is no video of my vaginal fluid, as much as these smug, hateful, hyperprivileged criminals would like to have recordings of it that they could pass around and publicize.  Who knows when they would have tired of their jokes about my pubic hair, acne, having my period, and everything else that they do have recordings of, if it weren't for Me Too, the movement which has been decimated.  

As for Justin Bieber, it wasn't enough for him that Julie Gunn was bullied into suicide because he called her fat.  He was initially shocked and remorseful, but his fans forgave him.  He took that to mean that viciously abusing women who aren't rich is entirely acceptable behavior.  It's not as if the conglomerate hasn't encouraged him to think that for a decade and counting.  Now, the lies crafted for him by his management team and reTweeted by him about the sexual assault allegations against him couldn't be more transparent, and he is showing yet again that money and media support are all a rapist needs.

You didn't did you?  You didn't cover up a suicide.  Is everyone around you that bad?

If Julie Gunn isn't dead, then where is she?



Why were these pictures published?  Did your management team plant them, or did the media publish them on its own?

