Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Venezuelans are starving.

They are starving and they were starving.

The U.S. tried to help.  

President Trump wasn't going to get involved in any of this, in any conflicts outside of the United States.  When he has tried to do so, for humanitarian reasons, he has been attacked.  

It's myopic.  It is stupid.  

You interview of Ms. Reade was and will continue to be an important part of American history.  The mainstream media and the Democratic Party failed in their obligation to be consistent about issues of sexual assault.  Apparently, Vice President Biden isn't going to be challenged by either of those groups, and so, if he wins, everyone who has maligned me for having online discussions of other issues with President Trump since he was elected will be doing the same thing for which I was maligned.  Not only that, but in front of the entire world, the Democratic Party and the mainstream media blatantly said that Ms. Reade wasn't worth their time or concern.  I never said that about anyone who accused President Trump of sexual misconduct.  I never said "They're just not important enough."